

南宁晚报 2017-07-02 07:25 大字

从古到今,房子一直是人们最关心的话题之一,拥有一套大房子是很多人的心愿。“From the ancient times to the present, house is one of the hottest topic which people are concerned with. Having a big house is the desire of many people.”。如果能拥有一座有72道门的六合院,那简直就是做梦都要笑出声来了。今天,我们要介绍的就是这么一座有着百年历史的大院子。

来到武鸣区双桥镇,如果你要问邓家大院或是大伍屯怎么走,居民或许会摇头表示不知道,如果你问“72道门”,马上就会有人给你指路。“When you come to Shuangqiao County, if you want to know how to get to the Deng’s Family Compound or Dawu Village, the local residents will shake their heads to say they don’t know. If you ask them how to get to the 72 Gates, you can get the answer at once for sure.”。


走进邓家大院,首先浮现在你脑海中的一定是这首叫《蝶恋花》的词。清光绪十一年(1885年),邓家祖先倾尽所有家财,齐心协力,耗时25年建造了这一座神秘的六合院。“In 1885, the ancestors of Deng’s family spent all the property to build this mysterious compound dewlling. It took 25 years to finish this project.”。它是迷宫式的建筑群,大小共有67间房72道门,占地1428平方米,分外、中、内3部分。“It is a maze building. It has 67 rooms and 72 gates. The area is 1,428 square meters. It is divided into three parts: the outer part, the middle part and the inner part.”。从高处看,它像一个大的“口”字,里面镶嵌着一个“日”字。邓家大院所有房屋全是红砖木梁青瓦结构,台阶是大四棱长条石,屋外地面铺红色火砖,有完整的排水渠道。

说到这座大院,有两位关键人物不得不提,其中一位是邓文彩。“When it comes to the Deng’s Family Compound, two key men have to be mentioned. One is Deng Wencai, and the other is his grandson, Deng Zhibao.”。清道光丙午年(1846年),已73岁的邓文彩因为人敦厚、德高望重,获清朝政府“恩赐九品”册封。房门上这块“恩赐九品”的朱红色牌匾虽已褪色,但透着一股昔日的浮华,令人肃然起敬。另一位是邓文彩的孙子邓致宝,他在维护地方治安方面有功。“Deng Zhibao has a meritorious service of the maintenance of the local public order.”。宣统二年(1910年),大院房屋建设基本完备时正逢邓致宝六十大寿,思恩府为了表彰邓致宝为维护治安所做的贡献,送给他一块“乔松如寿”的牌匾。

如今,这两块牌匾依然挂在邓家大院。随着时代的发展,不少邓氏后人搬离了大院,但仍有一些老人坚守在此,除了离不开那熟悉的大院环境,他们更希望能守护见证了邓氏一族兴旺的“72道门”。“With the development of the times, many decendants of Deng’s family have moved out of this ancient dwelling. Some old people still stay there. Besides the familiar environment of the building, they hope they can watch the prosperity of the Deng’s family.”。

本报记者 叶祯/文黄倩华/翻译


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