暑假即将到来,除了旅行社纷纷推出的各种旅游线路,不少家长也在做着出游计划。“Summer vacation is coming. In addition to the travel routes which are promoted by the travel agency, lots of parents are making their own travel plans.”。这里,要给您推荐一个既美得低调又能让你与家人、孩子玩得开心的地方:融水。“We want to recommend you a place, Rongshui. It is beautiful and low-key and you and your family will have a good time there.”。
对于摄影爱好者来说,融水在他们眼里是层层叠叠的梯田(terrace field),是一座座横跨大河小溪的风雨桥(Wind and rain bridge),是元宝山上迎着山风傲然绽放的映山红(Azalea),是贝江边满山的红杜鹃,是敬酒时齐喊“呀呼”的苗族同胞(The Miao people)。苗寨的风景旖旎如画,苍茫的林海、飞瀑、深潭和幽洞构成了如画的风景,也是定格在摄影作品中不变的多彩世界。“The Miao villages are graceful, charming and picturesque. The beautiful scenery is made up of the boundless forest, waterfalls, deep pools and deep holes.”。
在融水这个少数民族地区旅游观光,首先要了解这个民族,走近这个民族。“When you travel in this minority area, first of all, you need to know something about this nation and come near to this nation.”。而这最简单的做法就是前往融水苗族自治县香粉乡雨卜村,跟着那里的苗族同胞参与他们的民俗活动,如吹笙踩堂、斗马、跳竹竿舞,在那里,分分秒秒让你感受到浓郁的民族风情。“Playing the Lusheng, horse fighting and the bamboo dance will make you feel the strong ethnic customs.”。
在融水苗族自治县古选村,双龙沟玻璃桥是广西第一座悬索玻璃桥,桥长约200米,最深垂直高度为52米,整座玻璃桥就像巨龙一样飞架在葱茏的双龙沟森林之中。“The glass bridge in Shuanglonggou is the first suspension glass bridge in Guangxi province. The bridge is 200 meters long and the deepest vertical height is 52 meters.”。
双龙沟玻璃桥于2016年国庆节正式对外开放。行走在玻璃桥上,两边是风景秀丽的青山,脚下是奔腾的江水。“The glass bridge was opened to the public in 2016. Walking on the bridge, the wonderful green mountains are on the both sides of you. The rushing river is at your feet.”。站在玻璃桥中,张开双手,闭上眼睛,用心去感受那山那风那水,呼吸着新鲜的空气,听着潺潺的流水,此时此刻的你,完全忘记了工作的压力,生活的烦恼,心与天地融为了一体,倒也正应了“融水”二字。“Standing on the bridge, open your arms, close your eyes, feel the scenery with your heart. Breath the fresh air, hear the water, you will forget the pressure of work and the trouble of life.”。
本报记者 叶祯/文黄倩华/翻译
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