
南宁晚报 2018-07-29 07:21 大字

因为一个感人的传说,壮族人编排了一支美丽的翡翠鸟舞蹈。300多年来,一代代壮族翡翠鸟舞蹈传承人,不仅赋予了这支舞蹈生命与激情,还将舞蹈跳进了自治区级非物质文化遗产。“Because of a touching legend, the Zhuang people made up a beautiful dance of the halcyon. Over the past 300 years, generations of the halcyon dance inheritors have not only given the dance life and passion, but also turned the dance into an intangible cultural heritage of Guangxi.”。

壮族翡翠鸟舞蹈流传于武宣县壮族群众聚居的桐岭镇,它是一支模拟禽鸟类的舞蹈,为广西独有。“The halcyon dance of the Zhuang nationality is spread in Tongling town of Wuxuan county, the habitation region of the Zhuang people. It is a dance simulating birds and it is unique to Guangxi.”。据现存武宣县下盘古村罗氏族谱资料记载,该舞蹈为罗稻香所创,至今已传承了十六代。按此类推,下盘古村的翡翠鸟舞蹈大约起源于明末清初。

一个家族,为什么会传承一支舞蹈?相传300多年前,下盘古村罗老汉被财主逼死,尸体葬在河边的荒坡里。第二年清明,因家境贫寒,罗老汉的儿子空手去祭拜。“According to the legend, more than 300 years ago, an old man Luo was killed by the local rich man. Luo's body was buried in a waste slope by the river. On the next Tomb-sweeping Day, Luo's son went to worship him without anything because he was poor.”。祭拜时,一只翡翠鸟叼着一条鱼飞到老汉墓前。看着眼前这条鱼祭品,罗老汉的儿子感动得热泪盈眶。儿孙们知道此事后,为感谢翡翠鸟的恩德,便创作了翡翠鸟舞蹈。每逢节日庆典之时,罗氏后人就会套上漂亮的翡翠鸟模型模仿鸟的动作翩翩起舞,以示对翡翠鸟的崇敬,并代代相传至今。

壮族翡翠鸟舞蹈的道具一般用竹篾制成鸟形,外糊绿绸,缝以绿绒线作羽毛。当地人喜爱翡翠鸟,因毛色碧绿,啼声清脆,性情温和,其被视为吉祥的象征。“The locals love the halcyon. Its feathers are green and the crow is clear and melodious. It has a sweet temper. Because of these reasons, it is regarded as a symbol of luck and happiness.”。翡翠鸟舞蹈一般在春节期间表演,由一名男子扮演翡翠鸟,另一男子扮演老者,到各家拜年送祝福。“The halcyon dance is usually performed during the Spring Festival. A man plays the role of the halcyon, another man plays the old man. They go to every family and send the best wishes to people.”。



本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译


甘蔗正长 先收花生



