
双语天地Bilingual World 游海洋之乡 赏银杏秋色

南宁晚报 2014-11-24 16:36 大字

海洋乡,位于桂林东南部,坐落在群山巍峨的海洋山之中,距桂林市45公里。海洋乡共有银杏(ginkgo)近百万株,其中百年以上的银杏就有1.7万株以上,是世界上人均占有银杏最多的地方,被誉为“中国银杏第一乡(the top 1 ginkgo village of China)”。Millions of ginkgo trees are in the Haiyang village. Among them, there are 17 thousands centenarian trees. It is the place that the amount per capita of ginkgo is a maximum. It is hailed the top 1 ginkgo village of China.

这几天,不管是在驴群还是在论坛的旅游版块,邀约一起去桂林海洋看银杏赏秋景的帖子多得让人眼花缭乱。大家都通过一篇课文知道“桂林山水甲天下(East or west, Guilin landscape is best)”,却不一定知道在这秀美如画的山水间,还有一片金色的“海洋”,那就是有着“中国银杏第一乡”美誉的桂林灵川县海洋乡。We all know these words, east or west, Guilin landscape is best. We are not sure to know that in Guilin there is a golden sea named Haiyang village with the title of the top 1 ginkgo village of China.

银杏树广植于海洋乡秀丽的田园、村舍、溪流和村道旁。据说,可赏的银杏林区面积约有4平方公里,树龄一般为30至50年,最古老的一株已有500多年历史,最大的“白果王”树高达30米,树干需6人才能合围。It is said that the area of ginkgo trees for views is 4 square kilometers. Ordinarily the trees are 30-50 years old. The oldest tree here is more than 500 years old. The Ginkgo King is 30 meters tall and it takes six people to encircle the tree trunk. 这里是世界上人均占有银杏最多的地方,因此就成了“活化石”银杏的故乡,被誉为“中国银杏第一乡”。

每年11月中旬—12月初,是观赏银杏的黄金期。走进海洋之乡,银杏叶以嫩黄、明黄的靓丽迎接你,尤其在阳光的照耀下,那一种美会让你在感叹之余,忍不住用手机、相机拍照留念或发朋友圈(moments)。When you come to Haiyang village, you can see the light yellow and bright yellow ginkgo leaves. That view is really out of this world, especially in the sunshine. It is tempting to take out your phone or camera to take a shot then post to your WeChat Moments.在本篇报道出来之时,也正是到海洋之乡欣赏银杏的最佳季节。

在这期间,海洋之乡游客络绎不绝,除了欣赏美景,你还可以从路边摆小摊的村民手中,买到土乡土色的地瓜(sweet potato)、芋头(taro)、银杏等绿色食品。In ginkgo's season, the visitors are flocking to Haiyang village. In addition to admiring the scenery, you also can buy some green food on the roadside booth, such as sweet potatoes, taros and ginkgos.也可以在农家乐的小院坐下,品尝银杏老鸭汤以及有地方特色的桂北菜。

漫步海洋之乡,你可以欣赏美景,也可以拍摄秋色,不经意间,你也成了别人镜头里的风景…… Walking in the Haiyang village, you can enjoy the fantastic scenery and take photos. Perhaps unconsciously, you are the view in other's shot.

(本报记者 叶祯/文 翻译/黄倩华)




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