硃砂垌围屋 客家人的巨大堡垒

南宁晚报 2019-02-17 07:19 大字

2月11日,记者从自治区住建厅获悉,在住房和城乡建设部、国家文物局公布的第七批中国历史文化名镇名村名录(the seventh batch of the list of famous historic and cultural towns and villages in China)中,广西共有22个村镇榜上有名。其中,玉林市玉州区南江镇岭塘村(硃砂垌)榜上有名。“There are 22 towns and villages in Guangxi on the list. Among them, Zhushadong of Yulin city is included in the list as well.”。

玉林市文物部门对硃砂垌客家围屋(Hakka Walled Village)评价为:具有防御功能的建筑形制,具有鲜明的时代特点,同时隐约显示了建造者诠释客家文化的特性。“Yulin Municipal Cultural Relics Department evaluated the Hakka Walled Village of Zhushadong as a defensive architecture. It has distinct characteristics of the times and shows the features of the Hakka culture at the same time.”。

硃砂垌客家围屋距今已有200多年的历史,居住在此的黄氏客家居民于清代乾隆年间从广东梅县搬迁至此。“The Hakka Walled Village has a history of more than 200 years. The present Hakka residents of the Huang family moved here from Meixian county of Guangdong province during the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing dynasty.”。200多年来,几百甚至上千同宗同祖同姓的后代,在一个大围屋里繁衍生息。



占地15000多平方米的围屋,布局以祠堂为中心,两侧对称建筑。“Covering an area of over 15,000 square meters, the layout of the Hakka Walled Village is centered on the ancestral hall and the buildings on the both side are symmetrical.”。围屋的围墙高6米、厚0.7米,呈马蹄状环绕整个村落,围墙上布设射击孔和瞭望孔,内侧设置7座碉楼,可沿墙围行走。“The wall is 6 meters high and 0.7 meters thick. The whole village is surrounded by the wall in a horseshoe shape. The firing holes and lookout holes are arranged on the wall. There are seven towers inside and people can walk along the wall.”。


据悉,客家围屋的结构形式由梅州围龙屋发展变化而成。围龙屋始于唐宋,盛行于明清。一座围龙屋就是一个巨大堡垒,屋前半部为半月形池塘,后半部为半月形的房舍建筑。“The walled village first appeared in the Tang and Song dynasties and it was rife in the Ming and Qing dynasties. A walled village is a huge fortress. The first half is a half-moon-shape pond and the second half are half-moon-shape houses.”。普通的围龙屋占地约8亩至10亩,大围龙屋的面积则在30亩以上,建一座完整的围龙屋往往需要5至10年,或更长时间。


本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译


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