近日,一段“中国有个功夫村”的视频在国外热传,英国媒体报道称:村里从水果商贩到养鸡的农民都是功夫高手,所有村民都在练习武术。“Recently, the British media reported that everybody was kung fu fighting in a Chinese village. Inside the Chinese village where all residents practise martial arts, from fruit vendors to chicken farmers.”。
这个“功夫村”叫大西村,位于广西玉林市辖区内。大西村始建于元代,至今已有740多年历史。“Actually, the 'kung fu village' is Daxi village and located in Yulin city of Guangxi province. Daxi village was built in the Yuan dynasty and it has a long history of more than 740 years.”。这里的建筑传承岭南风格,参入西洋建筑符号,形成独具一格的桂东南建筑。
村民称,习武的传统有150多年的历史,几乎家家户户都有练功用的八卦棍和石头锁。从稚龄孩童到白发老人,从下田干活的农民到街头卖水果的小贩,几乎每一个村民都有一身不可小觑的功夫。“Every resident in Daxi village practises kung fu in a tradition that has been kept for 150 years. Almost every family has the long fighting rod and the rock lock. From toddlers to pensioners, from street vendors to ramdom farmers, everybody at Daxi is kung fu fighting.”。
关于当地功夫的起源有两种说法,一是因大西村坐落于六万大山腹地,山水秀美风光如画,古代有不少土匪山贼活跃于此地,乡民们只能习武自保,并将匪徒赶走。“There are two kinds of theories about the origin of local kung fu. One is that the beautiful Daxi village is situated at the foot of Liuwan Mountain. There were many thieves in the mountain range in ancient times and they often stole from homes in Daxi. Therefore, the locals had to learn kung fu to drive them away.”。
二是,晚清时期,福建南少林寺的逃难武僧流浪到此,并将少林八卦棍等武学教给当地人。“The another theory is in the late Qing dynasty, a Shaolin monk had to escape Shaolin Temple and moved to Daxi. He taught the residents the skills of Shaolin martial arts systematically.”。
宗庙是传统教授武艺的场所,人们也在家里、田里或者街边练习。“The ancestral temple is a traditional place of teaching and learning martial arts. People also practise kung fu at home, in the fields or on the street.”。
当地村民表示,他们遵循一个原则,功夫只用来防身,而不用于主动攻击。“Daxi residents follow one principle-that is to only use kung fu for the purpose of defending, not attacking.”。农闲时到祠堂或晒场上切磋武艺,既能锻炼身体,又能增进邻里之情。
本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译