

南宁晚报 2017-05-14 07:16 大字



Hakka Round-Dragon House of Longjiang Village

这座围屋就像一座围城,城内的房子为砖木结构平房,依山坡地势而建,一进比一进高,保存完整且功能明确。“The building of this round-dragon house is like a fortress besieged. The houses are bungalows of brick-wood structure. It is built on the hillside. One house goes higher than the other. It is completely preserved and its function is very clear.”。

“五进厅厦”的厅堂,每一进设有四房两厅两天井一层楼阁。其中两房一厅一天井为一个单元,宛如一个小四合院。东面围墙之内设有排水沟,围墙与民居之间有通道,可供守城人来回走动。围城内西边靠墙处建有横屋,设置有8个房间。城内共有144间房、20个天井、2个水井。“The whole building contains 144 rooms, 20 courtyards and two wells.”。

清朝末年,乱贼横行,为安全起见,围屋的先祖用石灰、河砂、黄泥混合石块砌筑城墙,历时5年,于1912年竣工。“Robbers and thieves were everywhere in the late Qing dynasty. And just to be safe, the ancestors built the wall with lime, river sand, yellow mud and stones. They built the wall for five years and it was done in 1912.”。据介绍,围屋住人最多的时候,曾有300多人。“Reportedly, more than three hundred people have lived in the round-dragon house at most.”。随着人口的增多和迁徙,虽然大多数居民已经搬离了围屋,但仍有部分念旧的居民在围屋内居住,使用着当年挖的水井。


Hakka Round-Dragon House of Chengdu Village

这是一座具有典型的“九厅十八井”风格的客家围屋,建筑原因同样是匪盗横行。1921年,为了财物和人身的安全,沙河镇礼安村城肚屯的村民开始筑城护村。在邻村的协助下,围屋的修建工程仅用两个余月的时间便竣工了。“With the help of neighboring villagers, the construction of the round-dragon house was completed in only two months.”。城墙高4米,墙体厚0.48米,东西方向长152米,南北方向宽115.5米,全城周长535米,占地面积22.8亩。“The wall is 4 meters high and 0.48 meters wide. It is 152 meters long from east to west and 115.5 meters wide from south to north. It is 535 meters in circumference and the total area is 15,200 square meters.”。

整座围城还建了包括大城门在内的7座炮楼上百个枪炮孔眼,守城人可环视四面八方,利用它既能攻又能守。其中,在城内西南部,设置有一个三层高的炮楼,那是全城的制高点。“In the southwest of the building, there is a blockhouse of three floors high. That's the commanding point.”。7座炮楼,1个月池,宛如七星伴月,将这个村子结结实实地围成了一座易守难攻的堡垒。

围屋是客家民居发展的里程碑(milestone),是客家人千百年来迁徙过程中生活经验的积累(the accumulation of life experience)和思想文化的结晶(the crystallization of ideology and culture),更是先人给后人留下的宝贵的文化遗产和精神遗产。

本报记者 叶祯/文黄倩华/翻译





