
南宁晚报 2019-03-24 06:44 大字

近日,2018年全国文明城市测评结果公布,广西有7座城市上榜,梧州是其中之一。说到梧州,很多人的第一印象就是冰泉豆浆、龟苓膏、梧州腊味和满街的骑楼。随着时代的发展,这座古老的城市也以日新月异的面貌迎来八方宾客。“Recently, the evaluation results of the National Civilized City of 2018 announced that there were seven cities in Guangxi on the list. Wuzhou City is one of them. Speaking of Wuzhou, the first impressions of many people are soybean milk, Guiling jelly, preserved meat and the arcade buildings. With the development of the times, this ancient city receives her visitors from all directions with rapid changes.”。

梧州建筑多采用骑楼的建筑风格,既可扩大楼房面积,又可给行人遮阳挡雨,颇受欢迎。目前,梧州市河东老城区现存骑楼街道22条,骑楼建筑560幢。临街楼层可作商铺也可住人。“At present, there are 22 arcade building streets and 560 arcade houses in Hedong old district. The street-facing floor can be used as the storefront and upstairs is habitable.”。

在骑楼的外墙上,可以看到不少具有代表性的中国建筑装饰花窗、砖雕、牌坊等。梧州是最早对外通商的口岸之一,受舶来文化的影响,骑楼的西化痕迹也不少,如罗马柱、圆拱形窗、穹雕等西式浮雕。“On the outer wall of the arcade buildings, we can see Chinese representative architectural decorations. They are carved windows, brick carving, decorated archway, and so on. Wuzhou is one of the earliest ports for foreign trade. Influenced by the exotic culture, the Western marks such as Roman columns, arched windows and dome sculpture also appear on the arcade buildings.”。

梧州市中心的中山公园有一座中山纪念堂。据悉,孙中山筹备北伐时,于1921年至1922年先后3次驻节梧州,中山纪念堂因此而建。纪念堂后院有明清火炮展,展出火炮包括红夷炮、将军炮、神飞炮、西洋炮等。据悉,梧州市是广西火炮量、类型最多的城市。“There is a Sun Zhongshan Memorial Hall in Zhongshan Park in the center of Wuzhou city. When Sun Zhongshan prepared for the Northern Expedition, he stationed in Wuzhou three times from 1921 to 1922. That is why the memorial hall is here. There is the artillery exhibition of the Ming and Qing dynasties in the backyard of the memorial hall. It is reported that Wuzhou is the city with the largest artillery quantity and the most artillery type.”。

梧州有一座著名的圣文园,北回归线穿园而过。“There is a famous Shengwen Garden in Wuzhou. The Tropic of Cancer passes through the garden.”。独特的气候使得景区内植物品种十分丰富,既有“植物活化石”之称的蕨科植物群,还有世界十大名木之一的格木,其30余米高、几人环抱的树围实属稀有。


本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译


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