

南宁晚报 2017-05-21 07:15 大字


据报道,“最美古村落”有独立的评价标准,不受任何商业因素影响,是一个完全的公益榜单。“According to the reports, The Most Beautiful Villages has its own absolute evaluation standards. It won't be affected by any commercial factors. It is a complete list of public welfare.”。其评价标准:有悠久的建村历史,中华传统文化沉淀深厚;保存有一定数量旧房屋等古建筑,且建筑物具有浓郁的地方特色,工艺水准、艺术价值、观赏价值较高,即旅游开发价值较高;有一定的知名度。“The standards are the follows: a long history of the village, rich Chinese traditional culture and a certain number of ancient buildings, such as old houses. Meanwhile, the buildings should have strong local features. They contain a high level of the architectural technology, the value of arts, sightseeing, and tourism development. And finally it must have certain popularity.”。

1996年3月,灵山被命名为“中国荔枝之乡”,而大芦村也因特产荔枝,被称为“荔枝村”。“In March 1996, Lingshan was named as the land of litchi of our country. Dalu Village is known as the village of litchi because it abounds in litchi.”。据灵山县志记载,灵山荔枝种植始于唐朝,宋朝已有较大发展,品种有三月红、妃子笑、黑叶、灵山香荔等。“Lingshan County Annals said that litchi cultivation started in Tang dynasty. It had been greatly developed in Song dynasty.”。著名文学家苏东坡从海南岛儋州流放地北归逗留合浦期间,品尝了从灵山送去的这一佳果后,留下了脍炙人口的“日啖荔枝三百颗,不辞长作岭南人”的千古佳句。每年端午前后,是灵山荔枝上市的季节。目前,在南宁市场上已经看到了它的身影,想要解馋的市民不妨到水果摊前品尝。

在大芦村,最值得一游的是劳氏古宅。“Lao's ancient houses are the best worth visiting in Dalu Village.据悉,劳氏古宅共有9个群落,从明朝嘉靖二十五年到清朝道光六年(1546—1826年)才逐步完成,面积达22万多平方米。It is said that there are nine communities in the ancient houses. The houses were built from 1546 to 1826. It covers an area of more than 220 thousand square meters.”。被视为镇宅之宝的一幅字,据称出自南宋民族英雄文天祥之手。除了古宅,大芦村现存305副古对联,1999年经过广西民间协会评审,大芦村被广西楹联学会和广西民间艺术协会授予“广西楹联第一村”荣誉称号。

大芦村是一个壮、汉民族混居的古村落。“Dalu Village is an ancient village which Zhuang and Han people live together in a mixed way.”。每年中秋节前后将会举办跳岭头节,跳岭头节因庆祝活动多在村边岭上举行而得名。节日期间,有祭祀祖先、跳师公戏、武术表演等节目,热闹非凡,是当地仅次于春节的又一民俗活动。


本报记者 叶祯/文黄倩华/翻译





