
双语天地Bilingual World 上林下水源完胜九寨沟?

南宁晚报 2015-08-03 22:14 大字

最近很火的电视剧《花千骨》在广西不少地方取过景,美丽的画面惹得市民们激动不已。Recently there is a popular TV series which is named Hua Qian Gu. Some scenes of this TV series are shot in many places in Guangxi. Those beautiful pictures make people excited. 在兴奋之余,部分市民刨出了南宁周边堪称能完胜四川九寨沟的六个旅游景点:上林下水源、上林塘栖村、上林内潮江峡谷、五塘覃何谷、武鸣小陆山、武鸣英俊村。今天开始,双语之旅将同读者朋友们一起分两期来游一游这些景点。

上林下水源堪称是完胜九寨沟之首,其位于南宁市上林县大丰镇郊区9公里处,在大明山脚下,属大明山水系的一个支脉。这里山高林密,山清水秀,空气清新,山间流泉飞瀑,溪谷深潭急流,处处清瀑碧泉,景色迷人。Xiashuiyuan is 9 kilometers from Shanglin County. It is at the foot of Damingshan Mountain and it is a branch of the river system of it. There the mountain is high and the forest is thick. It has fantastic scenery with fresh air, bluish green spring, liquid brooks and waterfalls. 因官方尚未正式开发,下水源的环境仍保持着自然状态,水清澈见底,水质不受污染,其味甘甜可口。曾有水质检测表明,该山泉水中完全不含铜、铬、镉等重金属,游人沿溪而行,可直接取溪水饮用。This spring water is completely free of copper, chromium, cadmium and other heavy metals. Tourist can walk along the brook and drink the water directly.

下水源最大的特点是峡谷里碧水清波潺潺流淌,瀑布及散落着的大大小小水潭,翠绿透明,如颗颗明珠点缀。其常年气温湿凉,是难得的避暑胜地。The temperature here is cool and moist. It is a god-given summer resort. 目前,下水源部分种植八角富裕起来的山民修建了度假山庄来吸引一些游客。因度假山庄一家紧挨一家依山而建,上下紧密相连,规模也不断扩大,从山对面公路远远看去,好似一座深山密林中的“布达拉宫”。The holiday villas are built one by one on the hillside. It has been expanding. From the highway opposite the mountain, it looks like the Potala Palace in the deep mountains and forests.



位于大明山脚下的塘栖村,与下水源毗邻。Tangqicun Village is at the foot of the Damingshan Mountain, next to Xiashuiyuan. 在青山绿水的避暑胜地中,游客们享受着大自然带来的恩赐,小孩们更是高兴,水中嬉戏溅起的水花和他们的笑声响彻山谷。说不定,多年之后,其中的小孩会成为游泳健将呢。塘栖也成为上林名副其实的天然水上乐园!Tangqicun Village is worthy of the name of Shanglin natural water world.


据网友说,大明山内潮江峡谷为溪谷线路,风景幽美,奇石竖于水间,水潭瀑布遍布景区,是个天然的大氧吧。不过,因这里开发不完全,风景还属于较原始的自然之美。Because of the incomplete development, the scenery here is some kind of original and natural beauty.

如果你喜欢原始的美,还有一条线路可供参考,从安吉过武鸣的城市大道,到两江镇后直奔内潮江电站,就可以沿溪徒步进入内潮江峡谷了。If you like the original sight seeing, there is a route for reference. Set out from Anji, drive on the Wuming City Avenue, then drive directly to Neichaojiang Power Station when you get to Liangjiang Town, then you can go hiking along the brook and go into Neichaojiang Valley.

在此需要提醒(warning)的是,最近南宁暴雨(rainstorm)不断,到山中去旅游、徒步一定要注意安全,防止山洪(mountain torrents)暴发产生的各种危险。

本报记者叶祯/文 翻译/黄倩华





