
双语天地Bilingual World 上林美景 让徐霞客流连忘返

南宁晚报 2015-01-05 13:43 大字

2015年的第一个假期,在阳光灿烂(bright sunshine)的日子里,去上林赏葵花(enjoy the sunflowers)成了不少市民的选择。不信,你看看自己的微信朋友圈,肯定有不少人晒出与葵花的合影。

在北方大雪飞扬时,南方处处鲜花开放。In the south flowers are blooming everywhere when it is snowing heavily in the north.上林县白圩镇不孤村是全国文明示范村。该村山清水秀,人杰地灵,平均每三个人中就有一个以上大学生,有“岭南状元村”的美誉。村中还有“鼓岩书院”“百亩荷塘”“千亩油葵”等美景。This village has picturesque sceneries and produces many outstanding people. There is a university student in three of the population. It wins as “village of the champion in the south of the five ridges”. There are some beautiful views in this village, such Guyan academy, lotus pond, and thousand acres of sunflowers.

每年农历十一至十二月,油葵花开的季节,该村即引来游客近10万人(次)。村民通过开办农家旅社、农家餐馆、销售土特产品等,增加了收入。It is the bloom season of sunflower in November and December of the lunar calendar. It will attract about 100 thousand visitors. The villagers make money via opening farmhouse hotels, restaurants, and selling local specialties. 在这里,一个大大的广场牌告诉我们,葵花将绚烂绽放到春节前呢。

上林的另一景点是大龙湖。这是一个人工拦蓄地下水而成的人造高山平湖,属喀斯特熔岩地貌高山平湖型自然景区。其以优美的景致被游人赞为“水上桂林”。Another scenic spot in Shanglin is Dalong Lake. It is a artificial storage lake in the mountain and it is the nature scenic spot of karst landforms. Its beauty is praised as Guilin in the water.景区由大龙湖和大龙洞两部分组成,总库容为1.51亿立方米。湖的最深处达180多米。湖中有四个岛屿,湖面碧水连天,四周群山环抱,石峰依肩并立,青山倒影浑然一体。


据说,300多年前,徐霞客曾经路过三里洋渡,被美丽的景色吸引足足观赏了54天,并写下一万多字游记,是其游历中华大地驻留时间最久、最眷恋的地方。It is said that Xu xiake went to Sanliduyang 300 years ago. He stayed there for 54 days just because of the wonderful scenery. And he wrote a travel blog with ten thousand words. Sanliduyang was the longest place he stayed and the most unforgettable place he traveled.他在《徐霞客游记》中称赞:“其山千百为群,或离或合,山虽小而变态特甚。”

三里洋渡一路景观众多,风光优美,坐在游船上,曲折蜿蜒的河水会牵引游客靠近或远离岸边的青山,既可远眺情侣山、神女峰,又可近观夫妻树、福寿桥。It is really beautiful in Sanliduyang. Sitting on the boat, you can overlook the sweetheart mountain, goddess peak. Meanwhile, you can take a close look at the couple tree and the blessing longevity bridge.

说了那么多景点,该说说当地的美食了。据说,上林有好多的美食,黑豆猪脚煲、酿三宝、黑豆饭(black soy bean rice)、五色饭(glutinous rice with five colors)、香艾饼(wormwood leave pancake)、猪血肠、白切土鸡(plain boilded chicken)、酱蒸圆蹄、清蒸黄峰鱼(steamed Huangfeng fish)、干煎塘角鱼(fried catfish)、雪花香芋(great taro)、炒甜笋(fried sweet bamboo shoots)、小炒野花菇、粉蒸肉(steamed pork with rice)、古月粉(pepper)……听得记者是直咽口水,恨不得多长几个胃,把每一样都品尝一遍。

本报记者 叶祯/文 翻译/黄倩华



小长假催生“千万富翁”景区 美丽南方和上林三里洋渡元旦期间成两匹黑马,收入分别达1000万元和742万元



