
双语天地 千年雄关定昆仑

南宁晚报 2014-10-27 17:18 大字

清代壮族诗人张鹏展(上林县人)的《昆仑关》诗有“北水归临浦,南云控古邕。一关通鸟道,万仞锁螺峰。垒石层墉旧,明珠置泽重。无须谈将略,薄海尽尧风”的句子。 Zhang Zhanpeng, a Zhuang ethnic minority poet of Qing Dynasty, wrote a poem about Kunlunguan.

昆仑关位于南宁市东北部,距市区50公里,为桂南地区通往桂中地区的咽喉。秦始皇统一岭南时设关,宋代始建关楼,后历代不断重修重建。Kunlunguan is located in the northeast of Nanning city. It is 50 km from downtown. It is the fortress from the south part to the central part of Guangxi. Kunlunguan was set as a pass when Qin Shi Huang, the first king of Qin Dynasty, reunited China. It was built in Song Dynasty and it was repaired and rebuilt in the sunsequent dynasties.

如今矗立在南宁市境内的昆仑关是我国著名的关隘,举世闻名的昆仑关战役旧址,2006年6月国务院公布为全国重点文物保护单位。Nowadays, Kunlunguan which erects within Nanning is the famous pass in our country and a world famous former site in the Kunlunguan Battle.

昆仑山是南宁东北面的自然屏障,有“南方天险”之称,历来为兵家必争之地。相传昆仑关是汉代伏波将军马援所建,距今已有一千多年的历史。Kunlun Mountain is the natural cover of the northeast part of Nanning. It is called South Natural Defense and it has always been the vital importance of military strategists. According to legend, Kunlunguan was built by Ma Yuan, the Fubo General. It has history of more than a thousand years.

据史料记载,昆仑关曾发生过数次大规模的次战斗,其中,最著名是宋朝狄青南下平叛侬智高的“夜袭昆仑关”,以及抗日战争时期于1939年12月打响的昆仑关战役。 On the basis of historical records, there were several massive battles. Among them, the most famous two battles are the Attack Kunlunguan at Night in Song Dynasty and the Kunlunguan Battle during the period of Anti Janpanese War in December, 1939.

战争过去了75年,每年都会有当年参加过昆仑关战役的老兵回到战场去,看一看,或者是缅怀他们的战友。而在昆仑关战役遗址上修建的昆仑关战役博物馆,通过500多件文物实物和200多张图片史料,以及场景复原有杜聿明、戴安澜、白岩洞三个前线指挥部和战场半景画,向后人展示了前人浴血抗战、誓死保卫家园的壮烈场面。在博物馆前广场东面设置有“魂兮归来”方尖碑阵,上面雕刻着在昆仑关战役中阵亡约3400名将士共有的220个姓氏。The painting of the battlefield returned to the headquarters of Du Yu Ming, Dai An Lan and Bai Yan Dong. It shows us how the soldiers fight for their family, their hometown and their country. There is a martyrs monument in the east of the museum square. 200 common surnames of 3,400 soldiers are carved on it.

勿忘国耻,珍惜当下和平的生活是每一个人的愿望。Remember national humiliation, cherrish the present life. 为了纪念为民族独立而付出生命的先人,也了表达后人的敬意,2009年植树节开始,《南宁晚报》与盛天集团携手,带领读者和业主开展“我为绿城添新绿 营造南宁晚报读者林”植树活动。五年时间里,在昆仑关的几个山头种下了1150棵南洋杉、桃花、玉兰、山茶花、黄金香柳等绿化树木。

(黄倩华 叶祯)






