双语天地BilingualWorld 绿城天气正好,一起去江岸湖边观鸟吧
虽然大雪节气已过,但是近来南宁的气温仍在20℃左右。春天般温暖的气候,吸引了大批候鸟前来绿城南宁过冬。“TheGreater Snow Solar Term has passed, but thetemperature in Nanning is still about 20 de-grees Celsius. The warm climate like springattracts a large number of migratory birds toNanning for the winter.”。
由广西大学教授、著名鸟类研究专家周放指导的研究生李东,花费了3年时间来调查研究南宁城市中的鸟类群落,并写成了硕士毕业论文发表。“LiDong,agraduatestudent under the guidance of Zhou Fang, aprofessor of Guangxi University and a famousbird research expert, spent three years tostudy the urban avian community in Nan-ning, and then wrote and published his mas-ter'sthesis.”。调查发现,南宁城市鸟类群落物种组成丰富,个别物种的数量明显大于其他物种,红耳鹎、麻雀、暗绿绣眼鸟、白头鹎、鹊鸲、白鹡鴒、长尾缝叶莺、珠颈斑鸠这8种鸟类成为南宁城市常见留鸟。其中,从鸟类组成上看,麻雀、红耳鹎、白头鹎、暗绿绣眼鸟这4种鸟优势明显,数量占南宁常见留鸟总数量的49.6%。
良好的生态环境,使鸟类有了充足的食物,不断吸引各种鸟类来南宁栖息觅食的同时,也吸引了一批批观鸟爱好者和摄影爱好者。“Agoodecologicalenvironmentprovides sufficient food for birds. It constant-ly attracts all kinds of birds to live and feedhere. At the same time, it also attracts a num-berofbirdwatchersandphotographers.”。在邕江边、南湖边经常能看到一群穿着马甲、扛着“长枪短炮”的人,他们长时间静立不动,只为把鸟儿的各种形态定格在自己的相机中。据说,这群爱好者还成立了一个专门拍摄、保护鸟类的协会,常年在野外追踪鸟类的动态。“By theYongjiangRiverand Nanhu Lake, we can often see a group ofpeople wearing a vest and carrying variouscamera lenses. They stands there for a longtime just to keep the various forms of birds intheir cameras. It is said that there is also an as-sociation for photographing and protectingbirds. They track and photograph birds in thewild all year round.”。
随着公众对野生动植物保护意识的普遍增强,南宁市范围内的野生动植物资源得到了更好的保护。“Withtheenhance-ment of public awareness of wildlife protec-tion, birds and other wildlife resources inNanninghavebeenbetterprotected.”。闲暇之时出门走走,不管是小区里或是江边、湖边,总能与这些会飞的“小邻居”不期而遇,为日常生活增添不少乐趣呢。
本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译