双语天地BilingualWorld 画山云舍美出荧屏 石桥流水过目难忘

南宁晚报 2022-04-10 04:14 大字


视频中,随着节奏明快的音乐、演员们苍劲有力的舞步,桂林漓江、阳朔富里桥、阳朔画山云舍、九马画山等秀美风光一一展现,其中的石桥流水更是让人过目不忘。“Inthevideo,withthelivelyfast-pacedmusic and the mature powerful steps of theactors, beautiful scenery are captured by youreyes one by one, such as Lijiang River, FuliBridge, Yangshuo Misty Wonderland and theMountain of Nine Horse Painting. Amongthem, the stone bridges and water are unfor-gettable.”。今天,就让我们一起来看三座桂林古镇上的古老石桥吧。

桂林市灵川县大圩镇上桥村因村子西面和南面的两座石拱桥而得名。西面石桥名为马蹊桥,南面石桥名为关龙桥,均建于明弘治年间(1488年—1505年),为兴安经灵川至桂林古道上的两座桥梁。马蹊桥和关龙桥是湘桂古商道的必经之处。“Thestone bridge in the west is called Maqi Bridgeand the one in the south is called GuanlongBridge. They were built from 1488 to 1505.They are on the ancient road from Xing'anCounty to Guilin City via Lingchuan Coun-ty. Maqi Bridge and Guanlong Bridge are thenecessary places for the ancient business roadbetweenHunanandGuangxi.”。明朝时,徐霞客就是从上桥村翻进山坳,经大圩廖家进入桂林。

除了这两座石拱桥,上桥村里还有100余栋明清时期的古宅,共有5个寨门围合,拱极门、魁星门至今保存完好。“Inadditionto the two stone arch bridges, in ShangqiaoVillage, there are more than 100 ancienthouses in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Fivewalled village gate enclosures, Gongji Gateand Kuixing Gate are well preserved up tonow.”。2013年,上桥村以古桥和古民居入选“中国传统村落名录”。

距离上桥村几公里外的大圩古镇也有一座石桥——“万寿桥”,这是一座始建于明代,重建于清光绪二十五年(1899年)的虹式单拱石桥。桥身使用的全是青色大理石,跨径16米,高8米。“DaxuAn-cient Town, a few kilometers away fromShangqiao Village, also has a bridge calledWanshou Bridge, which is a single-archstone bridge builtinthe Ming Dynasty andrebuilt in 1899.

The main body of the bridgeis full with the length of theof cyan marble,bridge between the two supports of 16 me-tersandtheheightof8meters.”。史载,古镇始建于北宋初年,中兴于明清,距今已有千年历史,远在600年前,大圩以其“大”,成为广西四大圩镇之最。万寿桥因为历史悠久,再加上周围古镇的特别景色,吸引了不少电影、电视剧剧组来这里取景拍摄,著名电影《刘三姐》就曾经在此拍过外景。




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