

南宁晚报 2017-12-03 08:30 大字

提起梯田,广西人都会想到龙胜龙脊梯田,山峦上那楼梯状的一层层台田,既为民众提供了粮食,也带动了当地的旅游经济。11月23日,“广西龙胜龙脊梯田系统”在罗马通过联合国粮农组织(FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)评审,正式认定为全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS, Global Important Agricultural Heritage Systems),在概念上等同于世界文化遗产。至此,我国已有15个项目进入全球重要农业文化遗产保护大家庭,居世界第一。“Up to now, fifteen projects in China are under the protection of GIAHS. That is the first in the world.”。

梯田的概念很广,按《大百科全书·农业卷》解释是,“在坡地上沿等高线修筑的阶台式或波浪式断面农田”。所谓阶台式梯田。是在坡地上沿等高线修筑成逐级升高的阶台型的梯田。中国的梯田分为水平梯田、坡式梯田、反坡梯田、隔坡梯田4种。“The terraces in China are divided into four kinds: the level terrace, the slope terrace, the reversed slope terrace and the interval slope terrace.”。

龙脊梯田始建于元朝,完工于清初,距今已有650多年历史,是广西20个一级景点之一。“Longji Terrace was built in the Yuan dynasty and completed in the early Qing dynasty. It has a history of more than 650 years. It is one of the twenty first-level scenic spots.”。目前,龙胜各族自治县约有耕地27.24万亩,其中水田22.40万亩,分布在海拔200米至1450米之间的各个乡镇中。“At present, there are about 182 square kilometers of cultivated land in Longsheng county. Among them, there are about 149 square kilometers of paddy fields. They are distributed among the villages and towns of 200 meters to 1,450 meters altitude.”。龙胜梯田不仅落差大而且层级多。连片梯田最大高差为860多米,层级多达1100多级。

据专家考证,龙胜县所处的南岭山地在6000年至12000年前就出现了原始栽培粳稻,是世界人工栽培稻的发源地之一。“According to the experts' researches, the original cultivated rice appeared from 6,000 to 12,000 years ago in Nanling mountains which Longsheng county is located in. It is one of the birthplaces of the artificial cultivated rice in the world.”。秦汉时期,梯田耕作方式在龙胜已经形成。唐宋时期龙胜梯田得到大规模开发,明清时期基本达到现有规模。龙胜梯田距今至少有2300多年的历史,堪称“世界梯田原乡”(the hometown of world terraces)。

龙脊梯田具有不可比拟的规模美、和谐美、线条美、节律美和分形美,同时还构建了世代相传的梯田农耕文明,是生态智慧的杰作,是天地人和的典范,是名副其实的“梯田王国”。“Longji Terrace is worthy of the name of the Terrace Kingdom.”。历史悠久、独具特色的梯田文化,每年的春种、秋收、冬雪都能吸引一批批游客和摄影爱好者。

龙胜是多民族聚居区,除了梯田,多彩的民族风、醉人的民族情也是当地的旅游特色。“Longsheng is a multiracial settlement area. In addition to the terrace fields, the colorful national style and the intoxicating national customs are the local tourism features.”。金竹壮寨、黄洛瑶寨、广南侗寨等30多个民族特色村寨,有着龙脊梯田文化旅游节、泗水乡瑶族红衣节、伟江乡苗族跳香节、龙脊镇红瑶晒衣节等节庆活动。


本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译


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