

南宁晚报 2014-12-15 14:12 大字

一串柿饼串乡情 一碗油茶驱严寒

这段时间,不管是QQ还是微信朋友圈,都能看到柿子(persimmon)和晒柿饼(make the persimmons dried)的图片,那些像红灯笼一般挂在树上的柿子,以及村民屋顶晾晒的柿饼,无不让人直咽口水。Those persimmons on the trees look like the red lanterns. The villagers are drying the persimmons on the roof of their houses. Persimmons look yummy and taste good.让我们一起走进桂林恭城,感受丰收的喜悦吧。

恭城瑶族自治县,位于广西桂林市东北部,南望粤梧,北邻三湘 in the south of Guangdong province and the north of Hunan province。距山水甲天下的桂林仅有108公里,境内居住着瑶、汉、壮、蒙(Yao, Han, Zhuang and Meng nationalities)等29个民族,其中瑶族人口17万,占总人口的57%,恭城历史悠久,文化深厚,建县于隋大业14年(公元618年),今已有1390多年历史。

自驾进入恭城境内,远远的,你就能看到一片片红叶,那是准备掉落的柿子叶。在飘零之前,它们用一种灿烂的红,给自己的人生画上了美艳的句号。Before the leaves wither, they make a pretty and dazzling ending with their magnificent red.树上红叶,树下红叶,此情此景,相信很多人都会想到那一句“霜叶红于二月花” (Frost-covered leaves are redder than the flowers in February)了。

诗情画意中,那些没来得及被果农采摘的柿子挂在树上,就像一个个红灯笼,引起你的采摘欲望。 The persimmons which aren't picked by the growers in time are like the red lanterns. They stimulate you to pick them.在恭城的乡村,不经意间,就能看到成堆的柿子,它们被削皮后晒晾在簸箕(dustpan)里。簸箕摆在架子上,架子或在屋顶排开,或直接就在乡村道路边排开,就连那些被果农随意堆在路边的柿子皮,看上去也像是画家小写意的作品,让你忍不住举起相机或手机“卡卡”不停。

据说,恭城柿子已有近千年的栽种历史,因柿子制成饼后像月亮,恭城人便给柿子取了个美丽的名字:月柿。 They say that it has a long history of planting persimmons in Gongcheng. The dried persimmon looks like the moon, so the people in Gongcheng name it Moon Persimmon.宋·孔平仲《咏无核红柿》:“林中有丹果,压枝一何稠,风霜变颜色,雨露如膏油。”1996年被国家农业部中国特产之乡命名宣传活动组委会授予“中国月柿之乡”称号(the title of the village of moon persimmon of China);2001年恭城月柿被评为“中华名果”(famous fruit of China),听说,“恭城月柿”已成为固定知名品牌,长期远销东南亚呢。

这个冬天,来到恭城,如果你不喝一碗油茶(oil-tea),那真真是白来了。恭城的油茶与桂林其他地方的油茶不同,它用瑶乡自产的茶叶、生姜、大蒜、果仁特定的手艺打制而成。The oil-tea in Gongcheng is different from Guilin. In Yao village, the oil-tea is handmade and it is made of tea, ginger, garlic and nuts.据说,如果你不小心遇寒感冒或肠胃不佳,只要来几碗恭城油茶,便会顿觉神清气爽,小病全消,因此被乾隆皇帝赐名“爽神汤”(spirit up soup)。If you have a cold or stomachache, you just need some oil-tea. You will be better soon. It is given a name the spirit up soup by the Emperor Qianlong.

油茶一定要现制,热乎乎地喝那才香。 The oil-tea must be produced on site. It is enjoyable when you are drinking a bowl of hot oil-tea.把事先泡开的茶叶放在小炒锅里,一边用木槌研磨,一边焙干水分。Put the tea which is made into a pot then fry it. Use a mallet to grind the tea while you are drying it.捶好的茶叶加水烧开熬至出味,用竹漏斗把茶水滤入锅中,喝时,先在碗中撒入葱花、香菜、米花、炒花生等,再把滚烫的油茶倒进去,哇噻!那叫一个香啊!保证你连喝五碗都觉得不够。


本报记者 叶祯/文 翻译/黄倩华



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