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双语天地BilingualWorld 登高望远品乳泉 茉莉香中游横州

南宁晚报 2021-09-26 04:42 大字



西山以林秀、石奇、泉甘、茶香而闻名,人称西山“四绝”。西山乳泉位于西山半山腰。“Xishan Mountain is famous for the

beautiful forest, strange stones, sweet spring

and tea. It is known as the Four Wonders of

Xishan Mountain. Ruquan Spring is locatedonthehillsideofthemountain.”。据清同治版《浔州府志》云:乳泉“清例如杭州龙井,而甘美过之。时有汁喷出,白如乳,故名乳泉”。

乳泉有一个传说。相传很久以前,浔州古城瘟疫流行。正当人们四处求神拜佛、占卜、问“仙”以消除病痛时,一名为吕正的放牛仔突然对大家说,他在西山脚下放牛遇到一位驾着白鹤的神仙。神仙告知,西山有一口会喷乳汁的泉,喝上一碗泉水就能治好瘟病。“Itwassaidthatalongtime ago, a pestilence was raging in the areaof Xunzhou ancient city. While people werepraying for Buddha for help to eliminatetheir pain,

a cowherd boy named Lv Zhengsuddenly

told everyone that

he ran

into animmortal

driving a white crane at the foot

ofthe Xishan Mountain. told

The immortalhim that there was a milk spring in themountain. Drinking a bowl of spring watercouldcurethepestilence.”。众人攀藤附葛上了西山,历尽艰苦,终于在半山腰的山岩下找到了这口喷乳汁的泉。最后,喝了乳泉的人都得救了。当然,这只是传说。据科学考察和分析,乳泉“白乳”实为细小的氡气泡。氡气是一种无色无味的惰性气体。“Accordingtoscientificinvestigationandanalysis, the white milk in Ruquan Spring isactually a small radon bubble. Radon is akindofcolorlessodorlessinertgas.”。暴雨后,山岩中所含的镭蜕变成氡气,随着地下水移动至喷泉中挤碰出来形成泡沫。这就是乳泉喷乳的由来。

“全球10朵茉莉花,有6朵来自广西横州”。金秋时节,最适合到横州来一场“闻香之旅”。9月12日上午,第三届世界茉莉花大会暨第十二届全国茉莉花茶交易博览会、2021年中国(横州)茉莉花文化节在南宁开幕,吸引了来自国内及东盟、“一带一路”沿线国家参展商的关注。“Onthemorning of September 12, the 3rd WorldJasmine Conference, the 12th National Jas-mine Tea Trade Expo and the 2021 China(Hengzhou) Jasmine Culture Festival wereheld in Nanning. That has attracted the at-tention of exhibitors from China, ASEANand the countries of the Belt and Road Ini-tiative.”。

根据部分中医药书籍的记载,茉莉花具有理气开郁及一定的消炎解毒作用。“According to the records of some books on

traditional Chinese medicine, jasmine has the

functions of regulating breathing, anti-de-

pression, anti-inflammation and detoxifica-tion.”。近年来,茉莉花茶成了一种养生茶,在市场上颇受欢迎。但是,你吃过凉拌茉莉花吗?如果没有,可以在横州游玩时尝一尝。“Inrecentyears,jasmineteahasbe-come a kind of health tea, which is very pop-ular in the market. Have you ever tried jas-mine salad? If not, you can try it when youvisit Hengzhou.”。



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