
双语天地Bilingual World 沿海风光无限好 蓝天大海成画卷

南宁晚报 2015-07-27 00:17 大字

今天的双语之旅,我们来到防城港市,沿着高速公路快要进入防城港时,右手边就会看到一片内海,波光粼粼中,风中都带着咸咸的味道。Drive along the highway, when you almost get to Fangchenggang, you will see the inland sea. The surface glitters and you can feel the wind with a salty taste.

穿过跨海大桥,告别山头上那颗巨大的“珍珠”继续前行半个小时左右,我们来到著名的大平坡。Across the Cross-sea Bridge, after half an hour's drive, you will arrive at Dapingpo. 大平坡也曾叫白浪滩,是防城港江山半岛旅游度假区的核心景区,因为常常可见海面上卷起的一层层白浪而得名。防城当地人说“不到白浪滩,不知海滩之宽平,不知海滩之其美!”白浪滩因沙质含钛矿,略显赫色,因此,也有些游客觉得它“脏”,其实,它一点也不脏。Because the Sand on Bailang Bach contains titanium, it looks brown. For this reason, some tourists think that it is dirty, but it is not actually.



来到防城港一定要去蝴蝶岛,据说,那是1988年疏浚南湖时人工堆积而成。站在鹰窠顶山往下看,她的形状像一只蝴蝶,是纪念上海三十年代的影后胡蝶来南北湖拍一部以海盐盐民生活状况为题材的《盐潮》。You must have to go to the Butterfly Island when you come here. Look down from the top of the Yingkeding Mountain, the shape of this island looks like a butterfly.

蝴蝶岛位于广西防城港企沙镇炮台附近,是个尚处于原始状态下的海滩。不同季节它的潮起潮落不一样,整个夏天去时都合适。早晨,当你从帐篷爬出来时,潮水已退,你可以从炮台这边徒步走上蝴蝶岛,一路上,会看到早起的渔民在海边岩石上挖牡蜊。The Butterfly Island is located in Qisha Town, around the battery. It is an original beach. The tides rise and fall very differently in different seasons. When you come out from your camp in the morning, the tides has fallen. You can walk to the Butterfly Island from the battery. On your way to the island, you will meet many fishermen. They are digging the oysters from the rocks.

离开防城港,不过半个小时左右的车程,位于东兴市的京族三岛——万尾岛、巫头岛和山心岛,其中以万尾岛上的金滩最为著名,有10公里长的海滩,集沙细、浪平、坡缓、水暖于一身,无污染,海水清澈,是广西继北海银滩之后的又一滨海旅游热点。The Golden Beach on Wanwei Island is very famous. The beach is ten kilometers long. The sand is soft, the waves are stable, the slope is gentle, and the water is warm and clear without any pollution. Beside Beihai Silver Beach, it is another hot scenic spot for coastal tourism.

金滩附近的大排档有很好吃的海鲜粥和京族炒米粉,随处有海蜇汤卖。Near the Golden Beach, there are a lot of food stalls. The seafood porridge and fried rice noodle with Jill nationality flavor are very delicious. You can buy the jellyfish soup everywhere. 有一年夏季来到这里,正好碰到京族的一个节日,京族渔家的唱哈、跳竹竿舞、弹独弦琴、拉大网、放虾灯等娱乐活动令人至今难忘。

本报记者叶祯/文 翻译/黄倩华

为了避暑,双语之旅带大家去海边走了一圈。最近听说,有人在南宁境内发现有6个堪比九寨沟还要美的好地方! 这就是在家旁边的美景啊,怎能错过?下周起,大家一起去探个究竟吧!


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