

南宁晚报 2017-05-07 06:55 大字


跳弓节 Tiao Gong Festival

2015年,广西首批传统村落目录出炉,那坡县城厢镇达腊屯榜上有名。据了解,2007年1月,达腊屯一年一度的彝族跳弓节被列入自治区非遗项目名录; 2012年12月,达腊屯被列入国家住房城乡建设部、文化部、财政部公布的第一批中国传统村落名单。

跳弓节又称跳公节,彝语称为“嘈契”,意为“跳弓舞”,彝族同胞通过舞蹈祈求幸福快乐。“Tiao Gong Festival is called “Cao Qi” in the Yi nationality language. “Cao Qi” means Tiao Gong Dance. The Yi people pray for happiness by means of this kind of dance.”。跳弓节是那坡彝族同胞一年之中最隆重的节日,虽然各个村屯过节的具体日期不尽相同,但一般都是在每年农历四月上、中旬举行。“This festival is the most ceremonious one of the Yi people. Although the specific date of this festival is not the same in every village, it is held generally in the early or mid April of lunar calendar every year.”。

传说 Legend

传统节日常伴随着一个美丽传说,那坡彝族跳弓节当然也不例外。“Traditional festivals always have a beautiful legend. Tiao Gong Festival will not be an exception.”。

彝族在那坡县有两个支系,分别为白彝和红彝。“There are two branches of Yi nationality in Napo County. They are the White Yi and the Red Yi.”。白彝同胞崇拜金竹。传说曾有一位彝族祖先,在率领族人保卫疆土的战斗中被敌人围困在大山竹林中。“There was an ancestor of Yi nationality. He led his people to defend their homeland. In the battle, he was besieged by the enemy in the bamboo forest.”。危难时刻,他用竹制成弓箭,奋起反击,反败为胜。“At the last moment, he made a bow with bamboo, then fought back, and finally he turned the table.”。为此,男女老少穿上盛装进行庆祝。“To this end, men and women, the old and the young, were dressed up to celebrate.”。之后,这个活动被白彝后人演变成一年一度的跳弓节,于农历四月初九至十一举行,金竹也成了白彝的吉祥物。据说,这个节日流传了上千年。

形式 Formality

跳弓节的内容丰富多彩,在三天的活动中,第一天要祭祀祖先和天地众神。“The activities of Tiao Gong Festival are rich and colorful. In the three-day activities, people hold the sacrifice ceremony to worship their ancestors and the gods on the first day.”。祭毕,人们集中到村寨场坪跳集体舞,重现当年庆祝抗敌将士胜利归来的场面,活动持续到第二天。第二天晚上,人们轮流到各家各户去跳舞,互祝平安吉祥。“In the evening of the second day, people take turns to each family to dance and wish each other peace and good luck.”。第三天是“三朝”,即上坡祭山。“On the third day, a sacrifice ceremony is held on the mountain.”。祭山结束后,客人必须立即离去,否则视为不友好。客人走完后,当天全村能干活的人都得下地干活,寓意人勤神佑,今年定将获得好收成。

本报记者 叶祯/文黄倩华/翻译





