双语天地 Bilingual World 百色凌云壮族72巫调从宋朝传唱至今

南宁晚报 2018-07-08 02:41 大字

左手拿着一把绒扇,右手拿一张红手帕,脚上戴着铃铛,歌声、脚踏声、铃铛声同起同落……这就是广西百色凌云壮族72巫调的表演方式。其从宋朝传唱至今。2014年,凌云壮族72巫调音乐入选第四批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。“With a velvet fan in his left hand and a red handkerchief in his right hand, he wears small bells on his feet. His voice, footsteps, and the bells rise and fall together. This is the way that people perform 72-Wu Melody of the Zhuang nationality in Lingyun county of Guangxi. It has been sung from the Song dynasty to the present. In 2014, Lingyun 72-Wu Melody was selected to the fourth batch of national intangible cultural heritage list.”。这是继平果壮族嘹歌、那坡黑衣壮山歌后,广西又一入选国家级非物质文化遗产项目的传统音乐。

据史书记载,早在3000多年前,凌云壮族祖先就在这块土地上繁衍生息。由于自然条件恶劣,天灾人祸以及病痛夺走了不少人的生命,为抒怀悲痛、寄托哀思,从宋朝开始,慢慢形成了壮族妇女单人演唱的72巫调音乐。“According to the historical records, as early as 3000 years ago, the ancestors of the Zhuang nationality in Lingyun lived on this land. Due to the bad natural conditions, the natural and man-made misfortunes and diseases took many lives away. In order to express people's sorrow and loss, the 72-Wu Melody of the Zhuang woman's solo formed gradually from the Song dynasty.”。

凌云壮族72巫调以该县72个人文和自然景点名称命名,以单人演唱为主要形式。“The 72-Wu Melody is named after the names of 72 humanities and scenic spots. The main form of the melody is sung by one person.”。演唱过程中往往配以绒扇、香包、铃铛、铜珠、脚踏声等。原始的72巫调音阶简单、唱法简洁,多以壮话叙事为主,寄托对死者的哀思,祈祷免灾除害、健康幸福。“The original 72-Wu Melody is simple in musical scale and the way of singing is simple as well. It is mainly based on narrating in the Zhuang language. It shows people's grief for the dead and the prayer for the disaster preventing, health, and happiness.”。



朝代的更换,生活的变迁,72巫调也在不断演变。如今的72巫调,除了寄托哀思,还是表达理想、痛骂不平、歌颂爱情、歌唱时事等内容的壮族民间音乐。“Dynasty changes, our life changes, 72-Wu Melody is constantly evolving as well. Today's melody, in addition to expressing the sad memories, it is also a kind of the Zhuang folk music of presenting ideals, scolding injustice, eulogizing love and singing current events.”。

本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译





