

南宁晚报 2017-07-09 06:37 大字

昨日,孩子们的暑期生活正式开始了。暑假期间,除了温习功课,孩子们是不是还想到大自然中去看看呢?靖西通灵大峡谷景区离南宁并不远,那里的峡谷(canyons)、瀑布群(waterfalls)和侏罗纪时代植物(plants of Jurassic period),可以为孩子们带来一堂生动的自然课。

整个大峡谷景区由念八峡、通灵峡、古劳峡、新灵峡、新桥峡共五个峡谷组成。“The whole scenic spot of Tongling Grand Canyon consists of five canyons. They are Nianba Canyon, Tongling Canyon, Gulao Canyon, Xinling Canyon and Xinqiao Canyon.”。

通灵大峡谷全长约2800米,由通灵峡、念八河及地下暗河、隧道贯通连接而成。据地理学家考证,通灵大峡谷原来是一个盲谷,由于地质运动的影响,天行地运,盲谷顶部陷落,形成了一个大天窗,四周悬崖峻峭,气势壮观。“Tongling Grand Canyon is about 2,800 meters long. According to the geographers’ research, Tongling Grand Canyon was a blind valley. Because of the influence of the geological movement, the top of the blind valley fell and collapsed. After that, a large skylight was formed. It is surrounded by cliffs and precipices. The views are very magnificent and spectacular.”。


通灵峡位于大峡谷南端,是一个长方形全封闭式的峡谷。峡谷内密密匝匝长满了原始古树。“Tongling Canyon is at the southern end of the Grand Canyon. It is a rectangular totally enclosed canyon. The canyon is covered with a large number of primeval trees.”。据介绍,通灵大峡谷荟萃了2000多种植物,其中有不少属于国家重点保护的珍稀植物。“It is said that there are more than two thousand kinds of plants in the Grand Canyon. Many of them are rare and national key protective plants.”。如出现在侏罗纪时代与恐龙同时生长的桫椤、观音莲子座蕨类植物,以及金丝李、蚬木、润楠、桄榔树等珍稀植物。

在通灵大峡谷还有一个既神秘又奇特的景观,那就是“古悬洞葬”。“古悬洞葬”又名崖葬,即在峭壁悬崖寻找洞穴,将棺柩安置其中。“The other mysterious scenery of Tongling Grand Canyon is the Hanging Coffin. People found the suitable cave on cliffs, and then they put the coffin in it.”。据史书记载,古越人有崖葬的习俗,活人居干栏,以避瘴疠,死人行悬棺,可望延年。2013年,央视《走遍中国》栏目组曾做过专题报道,但对于悬棺的主人是谁,至今仍无人知晓,这为大峡谷增添了几分神秘。“In 2013, the Hanging Coffin was reported as a special coverage by Across China, the program of CCTV. Up to now, nobody knows who the owner of the coffin is. It makes Tongling Grand Canyon more mysterious.”。

本报记者 叶祯/文黄倩华/翻译


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