
南宁晚报 2019-03-10 07:55 大字

说到玉林,很多人第一时间就会想到牛巴、香蒜、城隍酸嘢、云天宫……近日,国家发展改革委、农业农村部等7部门印发首批100个国家农村产业融合发展示范园名单,其中,广西玉林“五彩田园”榜上有名,以后去玉林旅游,又多了一个选择。“Recently, National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued a LIST of the first batch of 100 national demonstration parks for rural industrial integration and development. The Colorful Field in Yulin city of Guangxi is on the list.”。

玉林原名为鬰林,是一座具有两千多年历史的文化古城。汉代设立郁林郡,1956年3月,郁林县更名玉林县,1971年11月就改称玉林地区。1983年10月8日,撤销玉林县,设立玉林市,以原玉林县的行政区域为玉林市的行政区域。“Yulin is an ancient cultural city with a history of more than two thousand years. Yulin Prefecture was set up in the Han dynasty. It became Yulin County in March 1956 and then it turned into Yulin District in November 1971. On October 8th, 1983, Yulin County was abolished and Yulin City was established.”。

玉林“五彩田园”现代特色农业示范区位于玉林市玉东新区茂林镇,以“百里生态画廊,中国希望田野”为主题形象,以原生态的自然山水和乡土田园风光为主景,自然山水与人文景观交相辉映,传统农业与创新科技有效融合,赏心悦目,乐趣无穷。“The Colorful Field, a modern characteristic agricultural demonstration area, is located in Maolin Town of Yulin city. It takes eco-gallery and hope field as its theme image, and takes the original natural landscape and rural scenery as its main feature. Natural scenery, humanistic landscape, traditional agriculture and innovative science and technology are combined together. It is really pleasant and fun.”。

园区内有森林公园(forest park)、中国现代农业技术展示馆(Chinese modern agricultural technology exhibition hall)、中国南药园(herbal garden of southern China)、樱花园(cherry blossom garden)、荷塘月色(lotus pond)、地质公园(geopark)、禅园(Buddha house)、五彩花田(colorful flower fields)、树绵基地(cotton plants base)、辣树基地(base of Lazi trees)、隆平高科杂交水稻种植示范基地(Longping high-tech hybrid rice planting demonstration base)、中国杂交水稻援外培训基地及生态餐厅(Chinese hybrid rice foreign aid training base and ecological restaurant)、生态乐园(ecological park)等10多个景点。


“五彩田园”先后荣获“广西现代特色农业(核心)示范区”“中国农业公园”“国家农业产业化示范基地”等荣誉称号。“The Colorful Field got the honor titles of the Demonstration Zone of Guangxi Modern Characteristic Agriculture, the Agricultural Park of China and the National Demonstration Base of Agricultural Industrialization.”


本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译





