
南宁晚报 2018-06-10 07:27 大字


萝村坐落在大容山脚下,据村中《冯氏家谱》记载,该村始建于明代天顺年间(1457年—1464年)。当地人都说,冯姓和侯姓是最早入籍萝村的住户。"Luo village is located at the foot of Darong mountain. According to the Feng's family genealogy, the village was founded in the Ming dynasty (1457-1464). The local people say that the Feng's and Hou's family are the earliest residents of Luo village."。

萝村面积7平方公里,古建筑面积就占了14万平方米。"The area of Luo village is 7 square kilometers and the area of ancient buildings accounts for 140 thousand square meters."。村中遗存有众多明清风格的古宅、古祠 、古寺、古巷、古桥、古井、古戏台、古城墙等古建筑群,(a lot of ancient houses, temples, lanes, bridges, wells, stages and walls of the Ming and Qing dynasty architecture style)仅祠堂、宅院、寺院就占地16087平方米。其中的壁画、泥塑、木雕以及雕梁画栋,形成了萝村古建筑艺术的独特风格。"The mural painting, clay sculpture, woodcarving and carved beams and painted rafters are the unique style of ancient buildings of Luo village."。

萝村自古重视教育,村中有一座始建于明朝嘉靖元年(1522年)的云山寺。云山寺有庙租四十四石二斗(合计6188市斤),这些庙租在1942年—1949年间被用来支付学校教师的薪酬,以供本村学子免费上学。"Luo village has been paying great attention to education from ancient times. There is a Yunshan Temple which was built in 1522 in the village. The income of Yunshan Temple was used to pay the salary of teachers from 1942-1949, so that the students of Luo village could go to school for free."。据史料记载,明清时期,萝村曾出过大批进士、举人、贡生、秀才、京官,以及六品以上地方官等。中华人民共和国成立前后,共走出了60名专家、学者、教授、博士,300多名硕士研究生和大学生。

除了荣获 “中国传统村落”等殊荣,萝村还是 “长寿之村”。到2015年底,当地90岁以上老人有15人,100岁以上老人有3人。"Besides having the honor of Chinese traditional village, Luo village is also known as the village of longevity. By the end of 2015, there were fifteen elderly people over 90 years old and three over 100 years old."。

萝村南边村口有一座镇龙祠,奉祀着北流市民间传说的历史人物、抗盗英雄裴九娘。每年农历三月十七是裴九娘诞辰,村民都会举行隆重的纪念活动。"There is a Zhenlong Temple on the south side of the village. The temple is dedicated to the heroine, Pei Jiuniang, a historical figure of folklore. The 17th day of the third month of Chinese lunar calendar is Pei Jiuniang's birthday. On that day, the villagers will hold grand commemorative activities."。当地流传着一个民间故事。元朝初期,北流六井村(今西埌镇平地山村)有裴姓农户生育子女九人,年龄最小的裴九娘才貌双全、能文善武。17岁那年,家乡遭山贼袭击,裴九娘率众乡亲抵御山贼,奋勇杀敌,不幸战死在牛毛岭上。随着岁月流转,裴九娘成了当地民众心中的“平安守护神”,供奉裴九娘的活动也成为一种民间传统习俗。本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译





