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澎湃新闻 2019-09-05 18:07 大字

原创: 占有兵 社会纪实摄影专案


















Telephone is a means of communication for people living in cities. For the workers, it is of great significance. Only when the telephone is connected, can the workers have the courage.

The migrant workers leave their hometown to roam outside. There are old people and children left behind. They also have their own relatives, fields, livestock and roots. Every day in the production line, all the hard work will be compared with farming work, sitting next to the production line, no rain, no busy farming, do not remember the season, just follow the above instructions to work hard, the skin was slowly whitened by the sun. But work adds dangers never seen before when planting land - machines can crush hands, solvents can hurt bodies, dust can damage lungs, noise can damage hearing, and long periods of high stress can damage nerves.

The subdivision of the production line is only related to efficiency. No matter what the interests of the workers are, every worker acts like a perpetual motor, repeating the same actions from work to work. The production line is indifferent. Even if the workers in the same production line have worked together for several years, they never know the family situation of the workers in the same production line, nor do they know their interests and hobbies.

In the industrial district of Dongguan, telephone booths are everywhere. These telephone booths are either outside the grocery store next to the factory, or inside the shop, or even under the eaves of the factory. These telephone booths all have a beautiful name - "talk". Operators are thoughtful, with transparent glass separated into separate spaces and a plastic stool. The caller can rest assured that the speaker is not tired in this small independent space.

Migrant workers are the main customers of these "talk bars". They left their hometown and came to Dongguan to work on the production line. After work, call home, chat with the elderly, chat with the children, very gratified, just a little more down-to-earth.






Lovers in both places are loyal customers of "talk bar" and come on time every day. Less than half an hour, longer hours, the microphone sticks to the ear, has been hot, there is no end. Every day at work, the telephone booth is crowded; after work, the workers rush to the phone booth and begin the journey of acquaintance.

When you get on the phone, everything is different. The children in the family shout "Mom" or "Dad", the warm moments flow through the whole body, moistening every cell. Talking about the neighbors in the East and the relatives in the west, we can see clearly the experience of our home life. Every morning, when you open the door, you can chat with your neighbors and make a daily living in the fields and in the countryside. Everyone in a village is familiar with it. Everyone in the village knows what happened in any family. When the villagers had a happy event, they all helped, ate, drank, played cards, chatted and joked. The laughter could spread several miles away. With the performance of the country band, the joy lasted for several days. When children talk about their achievements in reading, when old people talk about the growth of crops, when firecrackers come from the telephone, when dogs bark, chickens crow and frogs crow, their hometown seems to be in front of them.





When the alarm clock rings in the morning, the workers have to leave their beds, start with washing in line, eat in line, go to the toilet in line, punch in line, change clothes in line, call names in line, hold morning meetings in line, and then run with the production line for more than ten hours. The distraction at work reminds us of the cold of our children on the phone yesterday, or the lack of energy in our old people's bodies, or the shrinkage of our income after the reduction of overtime. When a bad product flows into the next process, the prolonged curse and the vicious appearance of the supervisor make the distraction disappear, only to pay attention to the work with fear and improve the quality. When the bell rang, he hurried to the canteen to pick up a few meals, ran to the telephone booth to call home, chatted with the children for a while, and then repeatedly told the elderly, before temporarily reassuring for a while.

When the telephone is connected, it is also when the spirit falls to the ground, as if planting to see the growth of crops. When working on the production line, we see the same endless product repeatedly every day, as if we could never finish it.

The telephone, connecting the relatives of the two places, telling each other heartfelt, taking care of each other. Home days are getting closer and closer...







图文 占有兵 原创 All by YouBing Zhan



专家企业家齐聚蓉城 共探激发企业内生动力之路



