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南宁晚报 2017-01-15 00:00 大字



石巷口,这个南宁旧时“九口”之一的老码头,早在明末时期就已存在,并在光绪年间形成菜市场。“Shixiangkou, one of the Nine Old Lane of Nanning, was an old wharf. It had existed in the late period of Ming dynasty. Later, it had become a market during the reign of Emperor Guang Xu of Qing dynasty.”。之后,陆续出现了经营粮食及生熟食品的店铺,经营木材、篙竹的竹木行和专营缸瓦陶瓷店家,还有草药行、典当行等,并逐渐与水街各类市场连成一片。“After that, there were many stores, such as grain store, butcher’s, deli, wood store, bamboo shop, ceramics shop, herbal store, pawnshop, and so on. It gradually connected with the various types of markets in Shui Street.”。

从老码头上来有一条泥泞小路,由于走的人多了也就成了路,新中国成立前便铺上了青石板,就连江边的简易码头也全部用花岗岩砌起,正因如此,这条青石板小巷被人们称为石巷口,由梧州、广州逆水而上的货船大都在这里泊岸卸货。“Because of this, the green slab stone lane was called Shixiangkou. Most of cargo ships which came from Wuzhou and Guangzhou anchored and unloaded here.”。

安徽会馆Anhui Guild Hall

清嘉庆年间(—),为了方便休息与交流,当时来邕的安徽商人便在石巷口集资兴建了平方米的“安徽会馆”。“In order to providing the convenience of rest and communication, the -squaremeters Anhui Guild Hall was built in Shixiangkou Lane by the businessmen who came from Anhui province during the year fromto .”。虽然安徽会馆因为年久失修成了“危房”,在上世纪年代还被封了起来,但是爬满青苔野草的墙角,拱形的窗户以及隐约可见的飞檐彩绘,仍能看出这座会馆曾经的辉煌。

石巷口美食 Yummy Food


这些让人津津乐道的石巷口本地风味小吃,口味正宗、做法传统,成了不少南宁人的成长记忆。“The yummy local snacks in Shixiangkou Lane are many people’s favourite. They are tasty, traditional and authentic and they are the memory of the growth of one generation of Nanning people.”。

随着城市的建设发展,石巷口和它的美食将成为老南宁记忆的一部分,而那些熟悉的食味,也许会在某年某月的某一天在某个转角再次相逢。“With the city construction development, Shixiangkou Lane and the yummy food will be a part of old Nanning people's memory. Maybe someday, somewhere, we will see those familiar snacks again.”。

本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译



