双语天地BilingualWorld 南宁湿地红黄夺目 摄影师教你如何拍“流金岁月”
近日,南宁市创建国际花园城市万人签名暨志愿服务活动在民族广场举行。“国际花园城市”是目前城市生态环境建设领域全球最高荣誉,其竞赛活动被公认为“绿色奥斯卡”。今年9月,南宁市成功入围国际花园城市全球总决赛。“TheInternationalAwards For Liveable Communities,LivComAwards, is the highest honor in the field ofurban ecological environment construction ofthe world. It is recognized as the Green Os-car. In September, Nanning City was suc-cessfully shortlisted for the global finals of theaward.”。
作为广西首府,南宁在此之前已经拿下“联合国人居奖”以及“中国绿城”“国家森林城市”“国家生态园林城市”等一连串国字号招牌,构建了“天蓝、地绿、水清、气爽”的现代亚热带风情宜居城市。“Asthecapital city of Guangxi, Nanning has got thetitles of the Habitat Scroll of Honour Award,the Green City in China, National ForestCity and the National Ecology Garden City.It has become a modern subtropical style liv-able city with blue sky, green ground, clearwaterandcoolair.”。而今,在暖阳普照的冬日,它又用青山绿水、花卉森林打造出不一样的风景。
最近,北湖北路出现了一个新的网红打卡点——朝阳溪上游湿地景观带。溪水潺潺,夕阳下,随风摇曳的狼尾草、芦苇被镀上了一层金光,种植在水中的几排水杉大多已经换上红装,不管是用无人机高空俯拍,还是在水边拍摄倒映,又或逆光取景,每一个角度都能拍出“风景大片”。随着南宁市加快推进城市黑臭水体治理,朝阳溪流域治理取得了初步成效。控源截污,内源治理,生态修复……一系列治理手段让曾经人人避之不及的臭水沟实现蜕变,成为游人纷至沓来的城市公园。“Withthe acceleration of the treatment of the urbanblack water and sewage, the treatment ofChaoyang River has achieved preliminary re-sults. A series of management measures, suchas source control, sewage interception, en-dogenous treatment and ecological restora-tion, have transformed the smelly river onceavoided by everyone into an urban park withlots of tourists.”。
有人问:朋友圈里那些美轮美奂的风景照是怎样拍成的?先听听一名资深摄影师的建议。杉树的最佳观赏和拍摄时间是早上或夕阳西下时,这两个时间段,杉树叶子的色泽在阳光下更鲜艳。“Someoneasked, how are those beautiful scenery photosposted on Wechat Moments taken? A seniorphotographer suggested that the best viewingand shooting time for fir trees is in the morn-ing or at sunset. In these two time periods,the color of fir tree leaves is more bright inthesun.”。芦苇和狼尾草的最佳拍照时间是下午5时至6时,即将落下的夕阳,与芦苇和狼尾草一同入镜,若能再遇上灵动的鸟儿,大自然的美尽现其中。