
南宁晚报 2019-08-18 07:17 大字


老口村村委会原为邕宁县第十三区政府旧址,红色文化浓厚。新中国成立后,田汉、艾青和陆地等文化名人曾在此居住,陆地的著作《美丽南方》就是在此完成了初稿。“With a strong red culture, the committee of Laokou Village was originally the site of the thirteenth district government of Yongning County. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, some cultural famous people once lived here, such as Tian Han, Ai Qing, and Lu Di. The first draft of Lu Di's book, The Beautiful South,was completed here.”。

老口村有一座“覃氏大宅”,建于清乾隆、嘉庆年间。该座古宅由村里的覃氏三兄弟考取功名后开始修建,后人不断添砖加瓦,形成了如今的规模。目前,古宅有100多间房,其中有39栋保存较完好。“The Grand Mansion of the Qin's Family is located in Laokou Village. This ancient mansion was built in the Qing dynasty. It was built by three brothers of the Qin's family after they got their fame. Later generations continued to construct it, and then it gradually became what it is today. At present, there are more than 100 rooms in the ancient mansion, of which 39 houses are well preserved.”。


在“覃氏大宅”,除了大宅门上悬挂的“武魁”红木牌匾,门内墙上还镶嵌着一块 “齐心禁约碑记”。该块石碑立于清嘉庆年间,碑记条款清楚,字迹工整,除规范村民的言行举止,还要求村人要重文尊师。

老口村还有3条老街,分别是河边街、西胜街和大安街。“There are three old streets in the village, they are Hebian Street, Xisheng Street and Daan Street.”。沿着石板路走进老街,常会让人想起那句诗词“庭院深深深几许,杨柳堆烟,帘幕无重数”。每条老街各有60户人家,房屋对门而建,中间相隔五六米距离。同一排的房屋一间紧挨着一间,相邻的两户共用一堵墙。据村里的老人说,解放前,老口村三街是远近闻名的集市,有时天都黑了集市还没散。“Each old street has 60 families. The houses are built from door to door, five or six meters apart. In the same row, one house is next to another, and the two adjacent houses share one wall. According to the old people in the village, before libration, Sanjie Street was a well-known market far and wide. Sometimes it was dark and the market hadn't closed yet.”。


本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译


为贫困户分忧解难 村民把他当自己人



