
南宁晚报 2019-01-20 07:20 大字

在邕江上游有一处三江口,是左江、右江和邕江3条江交汇处。“In the upper reaches of the Yongjiang River, there is a place named Sanjiangkou which is located at the confluence of Zuojiang, Youjiang and Yongjiang Rivers.”。

2013年—2014年,有关部门对三江口地区遗址进行发掘,其中包括三江口汉城遗址、三江口贝丘遗址、镇江楼遗址、大王庙大石铲遗址、皇姑坟、宋村明清古建筑群、三江口明清古窑群等,大部分已被列为文物保护点或者建立了文物档案。“From 2013 to 2014, the relevant departments excavated the relic sites in Sanjiangkou area. Most of them have been listed as the protection sites of cultural relics or have been established the cultural relics files.”。

1647年12月,永历帝朱由榔逃到南宁,把南宁定为“行在”,即行宫,南宁一度成为国都。“In December 1647, the Emperor Zhu Youlang of the Ming dynasty escaped to Nanning. He designated Nanning as his temporary imperial palace and Nanning was once the capital of the country.”。南明永历政权是抵抗清军时间最长、寿命最长的割据政权。这个“南明小朝廷”给南宁留下两个至今尚有迹可寻的遗址,其中一个就是位于三江坡的皇姑坟。

皇姑坟又称兴陵,是南宁市唯一的皇陵。“Huanggu Tomb, also known as Xingling Tomb, is the only imperial tomb in Nanning.”。据明、清时编纂的《南宁府志》、民国《邕宁县志》记载:兴陵,在县西合江镇宋村,葬桂王妃。南明永历五年(1651年)夏四月茂午,太后王氏崩于田州(今田东镇),五月葬南宁,上尊谥孝正皇太后。当地人称其为“皇姑坟”。兴陵包括主陵、陪陵、拜亭、陵坪、陵塘、陵背等,虽然被盗挖了两次,但至今还能看到青石条、明砖、蚬木枕条等建材。

2009年,文物普查工作队在三江口当地人称“那城”的耕地上,发现许多散落的汉代绳纹瓦残片。“In 2009, the cultural relics general survey team found many scattering tile fragments of the Han dynasty on the farmland in Sanjiangkou which was called Nacheng city by the local people.”。从遗址地表上采集的标本分析,该地汉代甚至汉代以前曾存在建筑,可确定为汉代建筑遗址,填补了南宁市区汉代建筑遗址的空白。

这里有多处古码头及明清古建筑,包括被誉为“宁镇三江冠邕州”的镇江楼。明朝以来,宋氏家族首先在三江口开庄辟产,古称合江宋村、合江镇宋村,俗称三江口宋村。“There are many ancient wharfs and ancient buildings of the Ming and Qing dynasties here, including the Zhenjiang Tower. Since the Ming dynasty, the Song family was the first to build houses and develop business in Sanjiangkou area. Here was called the Song village of Hejiang town before and it is commonly known as the Song Village of Sanjiangkou.”。古村落散布着“儒礼堂”“花脊屋”“合隆屋”“亮鸿屋”“齐眉居”等老宅。



本报记者 叶祯/文黄倩华/翻译


去年1月—11月完成677.06亿元 南宁进出口总值排名全区第二



