

南宁晚报 2017-09-03 06:56 大字

“唱山歌咧,这边唱来那边和,山歌好比春江水……”一首《山歌好比春江水》,因其优美的旋律,在大江南北传唱了50多个年头。本月12日,第19届南宁国际民歌艺术节将唱响,届时,来自国内外的歌手们将在南宁这块天下民歌眷恋的热土放声高歌。“On the 12th of this month, the nineteenth Nanning International Folk Song Arts Festival will be held. When the time comes, singers from both here and abroad will sing along in this city, the focal point for folk songs of the world.”。

广西是多民族聚居地,素有“歌海”之称,还有“歌仙”刘三姐的美丽传说。“Guangxi is a multi-ethnic habitation region. It is known as the sea of songs and it also has a beautiful legend about Liu Sanjie, the fairy singer.”。被誉为中国三大国际性音乐节之一的南宁国际民歌艺术节9月将再次唱响。“Nanning International Folk Song Arts Festival which is praised as one of the three major international music festivals in China will come in September.”。8月29日组委会介绍,此次民歌艺术节以“丝路山水·画里民歌”为主题,展示广西各少数民族风情以及与“一带一路”沿线国家的友好发展。“August 29th, the organizing committee introduced that the theme of this festival is to show the culture and customs of every minority nationality of Guangxi and to make a friendly development with the countries along the Belt and Road.”。



自2004年起,南宁国际民歌艺术节在连续服务中国-东盟博览会的实践中,成功开启了中国与东盟文化合作的新篇章,也成为广西与全国乃至世界各地文化交流的重要平台。“Nanning International Folk Song Arts Festival has provided service for China-ASEAN Expo since 2004. In practice it has opened a new chapter of the culture cooperation between China and ASEAN, and it also has become an important platform for culture exchange between Guangxi and the whole country and even the whole world.”。让我们一起在《大地飞歌》的音乐中,与各民族兄弟姐妹以及来自五湖四海的客人们一起,踏遍山路唱山歌,唱起那欢歌友谊长……

本报记者 叶祯/文黄倩华/翻译


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