
南宁晚报 2018-11-11 06:43 大字

据农业农村部网站消息,经地方推荐和专家审核,农业农村部拟将150个村落推介为2018年中国美丽休闲乡村。“According to the website news of the Minisrey of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China, the local recommendation and the experts' review, 150 villages are recommended as the 2018 Chinese beautiful villages.”。在公示名单中,广西马山县乔老村、苍梧县沙地村、三江侗族自治县布央村和田东县林驮村榜上有名。

其实,早在2016年,乔老村就已引起关注。由中国农村杂志社主办的“2016中国美丽乡村百佳范例”评选活动中,马山县古零镇乔老村获得“中国美丽乡村百佳范例”荣誉称号。“Actually, in 2016, Qiaolao Village has attracted people's attention. Qiaolao Village got the honor of the top 100 Chinese beautiful demonstrative villages in the 2016 Chinese beautiful demonstrative villages competition held by the China Rural Magazine.”。同时,该村还荣获了“南宁市文明村镇”“南宁市美丽村屯”国家民委第二批“中国少数民族特色村寨”等称号。

乔老村素有“水车之乡”之称,处在马山县环弄拉生态旅游区的核心区内。“Qiaolao Village, known as the town of waterwheel, is located in the core area of the Mashan Nongla Ecotourism Rim.”。整个村屯的建设以“山水映农家·诗画小都百”为主题,以打造水车之乡为特色,按照白墙灰瓦的壮乡特色民居风格对86栋房屋进行外立面改造,外墙由水车、壮锦等富有壮族特色的元素装饰。

乔老村的特产有黑山羊、甘蔗、药材、八角、旱藕等,旱藕粉嫩滑爽口,老少皆宜。“Qiaolao Village has many special local products, such as black goat, sugarcane, herbal materials, star anise and Hanou (canna edulis). Hanou powder is tender, tasty and refreshing, suitable for the young and the old.”。黑山羊肉质鲜美、无膻味、营养丰富,保证您吃了还想打包回家。

目前,小都百乡村旅游区已成为一个集度假、美食、观光休闲旅游多位一体的新型农村,被评为广西四星级乡村旅游区和南宁市十佳景区。在这里,游客可以欣赏到原生态的自然田园风光,可以与大小水车合影,参观黑山羊养殖基地,或是骑自行车闲游乡野。“Here, you can enjoy the original natural countryside scenery, take pictures with the waterwheels, visit the black goat breeding base or ride on a bike around.”。


本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译





