
南宁晚报 2019-10-27 07:52 大字

10月16日,第八批全国重点文物保护单位名单公布。南宁市隆安县旧石器时代“娅怀洞遗址”入选古遗址,成为新晋“国保”。“October 16, the list of the eighth batch of key cultural relics under national protection was announced. The Site of Yahuai Cave of the Paleolithic Age in Longan County was selected as the ancient site and it became the new national treasure.”。

近年来,娅怀洞遗址不仅出土了近20000件文化遗物,还出土了大量的动植物遗存,为研究这一地区史前人类的生活、复原古代环境提供了珍贵的实物资料。“In recent years, nearly 20,000 cultural relics and a large number of animal and plant remains have been unearthed in the Site of Yahuai Cave. It provides valuable material and data for the study of prehistoric human life and the restoration of ancient environment in this area.”。此外,专家在现场发掘出土的一具16000多年前的完整人类头骨化石上成功提取出了DNA。“In addition, experts have successfully extracted DNA from a complete human skull fossil more than 16000 years ago.”。

娅怀洞遗址中还发现了年代距今28000年的疑似水稻植硅体,有可能将人类驯化稻类历史往前推。“The suspected rice phytolith 28000 years ago was discovered in the Site of Yahuai Cave. It is possible to push forward the history of human domesticated rice.”。目前,世界上考古发现最早的稻类余存为10000多年。2012年,广西有关专家经过多年研究,综合分析认为,从野生稻的基因研究分析可以证明,广西野生稻是世界栽培水稻的直系祖先。水稻基因多样性在广西有两个中心,其中一个就是以隆安为中心的稻作中心。


秋季是丰收的季节,到隆安可以看到美丽的稻田,和当地民众一起享受丰收的喜悦,还可以一饱口福。当地的传统美食,更多的是就地取材,除了用大米做的美食,板栗也是一大“名牌”,2006年6月,隆安县被国家林业局命名为“中国板栗之乡”。“Autumn is the harvest season. You can see beautiful fields in Longan County and enjoy the happiness of harvest with the local people. Moreover, you can taste many delicious food. Most of the local traditional food is made of local materials. In addition to tasty food made of rice, chestnut is also a special local product. In June 2006, Longan County was named as the Hometown of Chinese Chestnut by the State Forestry Administration.”。此外,还有风味独特、用民间秘法制成的酸鱼、酸肉;隆安当地婚宴不可少的名菜——粉蒸肉,新鲜的芭蕉叶包裹着腌好的猪肉上笼用旺火蒸熟,出锅时,蕉叶清香扑鼻,肉松软且肥而不腻,光是想想就觉得很好吃。 本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译


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