
南宁晚报 2019-08-11 06:44 大字


建村600多年的施村有着丰富的人文和自然景观,其闻名当地的“八景”包括施氏家庙、茶辣古镇、施鹿石围屋、明镜书院、三仙庙、抗倭烈士纪念碑、施村明清古建筑群、宾阳爱国民主人士故居。“Shi Village, which has been built for more than 600 years, has rich humanistic and natural scenery and landscape. There are eight famous local scenic spots, such as the Shi Clan Ancestral Hall, Chala Old Town, Shilu Circular House, Mingjing Academy, Sanxian Temple, Anti-Japanese Martyrs Monument, ancient buildings of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the former residence of democratic patriots, and son on.”。

据说,施氏家庙是目前宾阳县唯一一所家庙(崇祯帝钦点)。家庙具有典型的明清时代四合院单层砖瓦结构建筑风格,正堂始建于明崇祯十三年(公元前1640年),后厅建于康熙四十三年(公元前1704年),左右厢房建于乾隆二十年(1755年)。“It is said that the Shi Clan Ancestral Hall is the only ancestral hall in Binyang county. It has a typical architectural style of single-layer brick and tile structure of courtyard dwellings in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The main hall was built in 1640, the back hall was built in 1704 and the wing-rooms on both sides were built in 1755.”。2005年,施氏家庙被列入宾阳县文物保护单位。


建于明清时代的“茶辣古镇”是施村保存至今规模宏大的古建筑群。全村有千余座古建筑,保存基本完好。“Chala Old Town, built in the Ming and Qing dynasties, is a large-scale ancient architectural complex in the Shi Village. There are more than one thousand ancient buildings in the whole village and all of them are basically well preserved.”。村中巷子四通八达,且皆用青砖或石块铺就。巷子的尽头是总闸门,二层高的门楼上设有瞭望窗,利于观看村外的情况。

每年的农历四月初七,施村家家户户杀鸡宰鸭,备足丰盛的菜肴,庆祝抗战胜利。“Every year on the seventh day of April in lunar calendar, every family in the Shi Village kills chickens and ducks, prepare plenty of dishes to celebrate the victory of Anti-Japanese War.”。这是1922年施村村民抗击桂系残部取得胜利后自定的节日。在施村的苍抱岭上,还有一个抗倭烈士纪念碑,胜利节当天,村里都会组织少先队员用鲜花缅怀革命先烈的丰功伟绩,进一步引导青少年牢记历史,珍惜今天的幸福生活。


本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译


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