双语天地BilingualWorld 柳州有一个全国唯一水上古镇 四面环水无桥通对岸

南宁晚报 2021-05-30 05:21 大字


夏天到了,到有山有水的地方游玩,可千万不要错过至今无桥连通对岸的丹洲古镇。古镇位于柳州市三江县丹洲镇丹洲村,四面环水,是一座椭圆形的岛屿,居民仅千人。“Danzhou Ancient Town is located inDanzhou Village, Sanjiang County, LiuzhouCity. Surrounded by water, it is an elliptical

island with only one thousand residents.”。

早在明朝万历年间,就有居民搬上了这个岛屿。居民世代以种植沙田柚为主,有的树龄已达上百年。每年11月的丹洲柚子节,这座江心岛,在高峰期时涌入的游客超过岛民的两倍。“AsearlyasthereignperiodofEmperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty, somepeople moved to the island. People on the is-land have been planting Shatian pomelo forgenerations, and some pomelo trees have beenmore than 100 years old. The island in themiddle of Danzhou Pomelo

the river holdsFestival every November. The number oftourists visiting the island during the peak pe-

riod is twice that of the islanders.”。

据记载,丹洲古城墙是明朝怀远县知事苏朝阳任职时的一项大工程,历时一年,耗银万两。城墙全长879米,高5.3米,厚3.6米,共有450个城垛,设东西南北四个门,并配设门楼。1902年,古城墙挡住了特大洪水,使怀远县城官民免却一场灭顶之灾。“Theancientwall on the island is 879 meters long, 5.3 me-

ters high and 3.6 meters thick. There are 450

battlements, four doors in the east, west, southand north, and a gate building. In 1902, thewall blocked the extraordinary flood, whichsaved the people from a disaster.”。

古镇遗留下许多400年前的古迹,不少建筑还保留着明清风格。“Therearemanyhistoric sites 400 years ago in the ancienttown, and many buildings still retain the styleofMingandQingDynasties.”。主要景观有丹洲书院、闽粤会馆、东门城楼、北门城楼、古城墙、怀远县城石刻地图、古民居建筑等。闽粤会馆是明末清初一名薛姓富商出银千两,按妈祖庙的格局建成,又名天后宫,坐西朝东、南北厢楼,气势恢弘,距今有300年历史。“MinyueGuildHallwasbuilt accordingto the pattern of Mazu Temple in the late

Ming Dynasty and

the early Qing Dynasty by

a rich businessman surnamed Xue, who paid alot of money. The guild hall, also known asTianhou Palace, faces to the east with theback to the west. There are wing-buildingson both sides of north and south. It is magnifi-cent and has a history of 300 years.”。


古镇中,小巷纵横交错,沿街居民晒出腊肠、腊肉、腊鸭,空气中弥漫着小鱼仔干、豆豉酱、干萝卜酱的味道。走累了,找一家农家乐坐下,打一锅油茶,点几道腊味小炒,再抿上几口重阳酒,如果正好遇上穿着古装的人表演鸣锣开道,时空仿佛一下穿越回明清…… 本报记者叶祯/文黄倩华/翻译





