
南宁晚报 2019-10-13 07:09 大字

高山流水,侗家鼓楼……地处贵州、湖南、广西三省区交界处的柳州三江从来都是游客的“宠儿”。前不久,网友票选“广西十大最美乡村” ,三江侗族自治县高定村榜上有名。“Millions of netizens voted for the Ten Most Beautiful Villages in Guangxi. Gaoding Village of Sanjiang Dong Nationality County is on the list.”。

三江县始建于宋崇宁四年(1105),是广西唯一的侗族自治县,拥有中国最完好、数量最多、分布最集中的侗族建筑群。三江侗族生态博物馆是一座没有围墙的博物馆,其以县城侗族博物馆为中心,以独峒座龙至高定沿途15公里包括9个侗族村寨为辐射面,集侗族寨门、鼓楼、风雨桥、民间艺术、民风民俗与田园风光为一体。“Sanjiang County, founded in 1105, is the only Dong nationality county in Guangxi. It has the most completed, numerous and intensive architectural complex of the Dong nationality style in China. Sanjiang Dong Nationality Echo-Museum is a museum without walls. It takes the museum as the center and nine Dong nationality villages 15 kilometers along the road from Dudong Village to Gaoding Village as the extension. It combines the Dong village gate, drum tower, wind-and-rain bridge, folk art, customs and countryside sightseeing.”。

高定村侗寨,数百座吊脚木楼分布于斜坡的坳间,鳞次栉比,7座按宗族建的大鼓楼飞檐叠翠。一阵轻风吹过,竹林沙沙作响。据传,高定村村民以吴姓为主,是明朝万历年间由湖南等地迁来的。7座大鼓楼由全村共用,其他小一些的则由各姓氏分支使用。“According to legends, most of the villagers of Gaoding Village are surnamed Wu. They came from Hunan province during the reign of Wanli Emperor of the Ming dynasty. Seven big drum towers are shared by the whole village. Other small towers are used by people with different surnames or branches.”。

高定鼓楼群,就是因一个寨子有7座鼓楼而闻名。其中最著名的十一层瓦檐的独柱鼓楼,始建于1921年,重建于1988年。“Gaoding drum tower complex is famous for seven drum towers in a village. The most famous one, the eleven-storey single-pillar drum tower with tiled eaves, was built in 1921 and rebuilt in 1988.”。鼓楼只有一根主承柱,通过横枋与四周边柱相连,造型罕见,颇具匠心,被誉为“三江之最”。


本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译


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