
南宁晚报 2018-07-15 08:22 大字

看过成龙主演的《绝地逃亡》的观众或许还有印象,电影中的主角来到侗族村寨时,“拦路歌”成为影片的亮点之一。“If you have seen Jackie Chan's movie, Skiptrace, maybe you still have an impression. When the leading roles came to the village of the Dong nationality, the way-blocking song became one of the highlights of the movie.”。

而吊脚楼、风雨桥、鼓楼等场景更为班尼与康纳两人充满笑点、惊险、文化冲突的冒险增加了浓厚的异域风情。“Moreover, the scenes such as the stilted houses, the wind-and-rain bridges and drum towers has added a kind of strong foreign feeling and custom to Benny and Connor's adventure which is full of laughter, excitement and cultural conflict.”。

这个侗族村寨就是柳州市三江侗族自治县的平岩村,2016年度,平岩村获得“中国十大最美乡村”荣誉称号,成为整个广西壮族自治区首个获此殊荣的乡村。“This Dong nationality village is Pingyan village which is located in Sanjiang county of Liuzhou. In 2016, Pingyan village got the honorary title of The Ten Most Beautiful Villages In China and it became the first one in Guangxi to be honored.”。而在此之前,该村曾列入中国传统村落名录,荣获“中国首批景观村落”“广西十大魅力乡村”等称号。“中国十大最美乡村”的标准有五项,即自然生态美、文化和谐美、生活幸福美、产业发展美、创新引领美。

著名景区程阳八寨由八个古老的侗族村寨组成,平岩村位于程阳八寨景区的核心区域,是典型的侗族传统村落。“The famous scenic spot, Cheng Yang Eight Villages, consists of eight old villages of the Dong nationality. Pingyan village is located in the core area of Cheng Yang Eight Villages and it is a typical trditional Dong nationality village.”。

村内有鼓楼4座、风雨桥7座,拥有历史可以与程阳风雨桥相媲美的合龙风雨桥,及200多年历史的平寨鼓楼。“In the village, there are four drum towers, seven wind and rain bridges, the historical Helong wind-and-rain bridge which is on a par with Chengyang wind-and-rain bridge, and Pingzhai drum tower for more than 200 years.”。

这个最美乡村完好保存着独特的传统侗寨(the unique traditional Dong village)、吊脚木楼(stilted wooden house)、鼓楼(drum tower)、百家宴(banquet of hundreds)、服装饰品(clothes and accessory)、歌舞文化(singing and dancing culture)、生活习俗等侗族特色(customs of the Dong nationality),具有丰富的旅游资源和历史文化遗产。


美丽乡村和生态旅游融合,古老村落与现代文明相融。随着平岩村大力发展旅游业、生态农业,近年前来观光休闲的国内外游客大幅增加。据有关部门统计,该村年接待游客超过300万人次。“With the vigorous development of tourism and ecological agriculture, the domestic and foreign tourists to Pingyan village have greatly increased in recent years. According to the statistics from relevant departments, the village receives more than 3 million tourists per year.”。

本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译





