
南宁晚报 2018-03-11 09:41 大字



独峒镇民族风情浓厚、自然生态优美,是自治区非物质文化遗产——三江侗族农民画的发源地。“Dudong Town has a strong national style and a beautiful natural ecology. It is the birthplace of the farmer painting of the Dong minority in Sanjiang. The farmer painting is the intangible cultural heritage of Guangxi.”。三江侗族农民画最初是具有绘画天赋的三江侗族同胞,借鉴了本地风雨桥、鼓楼的民间彩绘及侗族传统刺绣、剪纸等姊妹艺术,在农闲时折木为笔,用锅墨、蓝靛等做颜料,将服饰、建筑、民俗节日及生产生活等场景画在侗布上,或纸上、墙上。宽阔的鼓楼坪上,吊脚楼的石板路旁,都是天造地设的作画场所。在创作形式上,三江农民画题材鲜明、造型夸张多变、色彩淳朴梦幻,特别有生活气息和感染力。“In the form of creation, Sanjiang farmer painting has many distinct subjects and exaggerated changeful shapes. The color of paintings is simple, pure and dreamlike. This kind of paintings is especially living and infective.”。

上世纪70年代,受陕西户县农民画的影响,三江侗族自治县成立美术宣传组,并培养出一批土生土长的农民画家。“In the 1970s, influenced by the farmer painting of Huxian county of Shanxi province, the art press group had been established by Dong Autonomous County of Sanjiang. A lot of farmer painting artists were trained.”。1983年始,三江农民画开始凸显其侗族地域风情,瑰丽的艺术风格也逐渐显现。20世纪90年代起,三江农民画渐渐走上发展壮大之路。“From 1983, Sanjiang farmer painting began to emphasize the regional customs of the Dong minority. Its magnificent artistic style appeared gradually. Since 1990s, the farmer painting had developed and expanded step by step.”。

侗族“有寨必有鼓楼,有河必有风雨桥”。鼓楼、风雨桥和吊脚楼几乎成为三江农民画的主题或背景。“In the area of the Dong minority, there must be a drum-tower in the village and a wind-and-rain bridge over the river. The drum-tower, wind-and-rain bridge and the stilted buildings almost become the subjects or backgrounds of Sanjiang farmer paintings.”。以鼓楼为核心,涵括风雨桥、戏楼、吊脚楼等和谐主题的民俗建筑、民俗风情、生活习俗等文化现象的鼓楼文化,是三江农民画创作的重要题材。“The drum-tower is the core of the drum-tower culture. It includes some cultural phenomenons such as folk buildings, folk customs and living customs. The wind-and-rain bridge, opera stage, and the stilted building are the harmonious themes of these phenomenons. All of these things are important subjects for Sanjiang farmer painting artists.”。


三江侗族农民画被越来越多的人所熟知,由此,更是走出侗寨,走出国门,足迹遍布德国、美国、韩国等10多个国家和地区。农民画产业成为当地农民增收的渠道之一,改变着越来越多三江农民的生活。本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译


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