特殊句式和主谓一致 柳州市铁五中学 许雨清 李桂萌

柳州晚报 2018-05-03 12:30 大字



1.常用疑问代词:what; who; whom; which; whose

2.常用疑问副词:when; where; how; why

3.常用疑问短语:what time; how many/much; how often; how soon; how long; how old


①—____does your father look like?

—He is tall with short black hair.

A.HowB.Who C.What

【解析】选C。考查固定句式。根据答语句意判断问句提问长相, 用What does sb. look like? 句式。

②—____is it from your home to school?

—It’s about 2 kilometers.

A.How long B.How far

C.How soon

【解析】选B。考查疑问词的用法。句意:你家离学校多远? 大约2千米。how long多久, 提问动作持续的时间;how far多远, 提问距离;how soon多久以后, 用于一般将来时。


1. 反意疑问句的两种基本句型。

①肯定陈述句+否定简略问句:Lucy is from England, isn’t she?

②否定陈述句+肯定简略问句:Ann doesn’t like apples, does she?

注意:前一部分是一个陈述句, 后一部分是一个简单的问句。完成后一部分简单问句时, 要根据前面陈述句的动词时态和人称来选择适当的助动词进行提问, 前后两部分的人称和时态要保持一致。

2. 反意疑问句的常见特殊句型。

①当陈述部分是“there be +主语+其他”结构时, 反意疑问部分要用“be(not)+ there”结构。

例如:There are some bananas in the basket, aren’t there?

②当陈述部分有hardly, seldom, few, little, no, never, nothing, nobody, nowhere等否定词时, 反意疑问句部分要用肯定形式。但是陈述部分有带否定前缀如im-, un-, in-, dis-等的派生词, 仍为肯定句, 反意疑问句部分要用否定形式。例如:

It’s unfair, isn’t it?

He hardly remembers his old friend’s name does he?

③肯定祈使句的反意疑问部分用will you或won’t you皆可。否定祈使句用will you。

例如:Be sure to write to us, will you/won’t you?

Don’t smoke in the meeting room, will you?

④在宾语从句中, 如果陈述句部分是“I think(believe, suppose, imagine, expect等)+宾语从句”, 反意疑问句部分应与宾语从句的主谓保持一致, 并要注意否定转移。例如:

I don’t think you have heard of him before, have you?

⑤ 当陈述部分是Let’s do sth. 时, 反意疑问部分用shall we。如陈述部分是Let us do sth. 时, 反意疑问部分用will you。

Let’s play football, shall we?

Let us play football, will you?

3. 反意疑问句的回答要根据事实来回答, 如果事实是肯定的, 就用肯定回答; 如果事实是否定的, 那就用否定回答。例如:

—His father has gone to Beijing, hasn’t he?

—No, he hasn’t. I saw him just now.

(刚刚看见他就是否定他去北京, 用否定回答)


①There is little milk in the fridge, _____?

A.is there

B.isn’t there C.isn’t it

【解析】选A。考查反意疑问句。遵循“前肯后否, 前否后肯”的原则。主句中有little, 表否定。

②Tell me the way to the museum, _____you?

A. will B.needC.shall

【解析】选A。考查反意疑问句。肯定祈使句的反意疑问部分用will you或won’t you皆可。



How quickly Tom runs!

2.What + a/an+adj.+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!

What a beautiful mountain it is!


What great inventions he has made!

What good advice it is!


①____polite the girl is!

A.HowB.What C.What a


②—____it is today!

—Yes. Shall we go for a walk?

A. How fine weather

B. What fine weather

C. What a fine weather

【解析】选B。what感叹名词, how感叹形容词或副词, weather是不可数名词, 故前面不加冠词, 排除C。How fine the weather is today! =What fine weather it is today!


1. 肯定形式的祈使句。

①Do型 动词原形(+宾语)+其他成分 Please have a seat.

②Be型 Be+表语(名词或形容词)+其他成分 Be quiet!

③Let型Let+宾语+动词原形+其他成分 Let me help you.

2. 否定形式的祈使句。


①Don’t forget me!

②Don’t be late for school!

(2)Let型的否定式有两种:“Don’t +let+宾语+动词原形+其他成分”和“Let+宾语+not+动词原形+其他成分”。Don’t let him go. /Let him not go.

(3)有些可用no开头, 用来表示禁止性的祈使句。

No smoking! 禁止吸烟!


①—It’s late again, Neil. _____earlier next time

—OK. Mum. I remember.

A. Get upB. Getting upC. To get up

【解析】选A。考查祈使句。命令或请求某人做某事, 用动词原形。

②Tom, _____afraid of speaking in front of people. You are the best one.

A. don’tB. not beC. don’t be

【解析】选C。考查祈使句。祈使句的否定形式为“Don’t +动词原形”。


为了表达特殊的强调部分, 会把谓语的全部或一部分放到主语之前, 这种句子叫倒装句。在中学阶段常见的倒装句式有以下几种。

1. So+助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语 ......也一样

—Jack likes pork for lunch.

—So does my brother.

与上文的否定情况相同,则把so 改成neither

—Jim doesn’t like noodles for breakfast.

—Neither does my sister.


—She is a beautiful girl.

—So she is.

2. 以here, there, out, in, down, away等表示方位的副词开头的句子中, 如果主语是名词, 要用倒装句, 谓语动词的形式由倒装句句尾的主语确定。

There comes the bus.

Here are the results of the test.


1. 语法一致原则, 就是句子的谓语动词同句子的主语在语法形式上保持一致, 即主语是第三人称单数或不可数名词时, 谓语动词也用第三人称单数形式; 当主语是第一、第二、第三人称复数形式时, 谓语动词也用复数形式。

Tom is an English boy.

2. 语法一致原则的其他用法。

(1)用and或both. . . and. . . 连接的名词作主语时, 谓语动词用复数形式。

Tom and Mike are good friends.

(2)不定代词something,somebody,someone,everything,everybody, everyone, anything, anybody,anyone,nothing,nobody, no one, either, neither等作主语时, 谓语动词用单数形式。

Is there anything wrong with your car?

(3)every. . . , every. . . and. . . , each. . . , each. . . and. . . , no. . . , no. . . and. . . 作主语时, 谓语动词用单数形式。

Every boy and every girl was given a new book.


(4)由with, together with, as well as, more than, but, except, besides, along with, including, like等词连接并列主语时, 谓语动词的数和前面的主语保持一致。

Tom with his good friends is going to Beijing next week.

(5)lots of. . . , plenty of. . . , 分数或百分数+名词作主语时, 其谓语动词的形式取决于其后面的名词。如果是单数名词或不可数名词, 谓语动词用单数形式;如果名词是复数形式,则谓语动词用复数形式。

Three fifths of the students are boys.

(6)由cup, bottle, pair等计量单位名词修饰的名词充当主语时, 谓语动词用单数还是复数形式由计量单位名词的单复数形式决定。

Fifteen pairs of shoes are made by him every day.

(7)某些复数形式的名词(如clothes, pants, shorts, shoes, gloves. . . )作主语时, 谓语动词用复数形式。

My shoes are worn out. 我的鞋子穿坏了。


Reading is learning.


①In our school library there_____a number of books on music, and in these years the number of them___ growing larger and larger.


【解析】选A。考查主谓一致。句意:在我们学校的图书馆有许多关于音乐的书, 并且这些年它们的数量越来越多。a number of意为“许多”,作主语时, 谓语动词用复数;the number of意为“……的数量”, 作主语时,谓语动词用单数。

②The child without parents_____good care of by his teachers in this special school.

A.is takenB.are taken C.take

【解析】选A。考查被动语态及主谓一致。句意:在这所特殊的学校里, 这个没有父母的孩子被老师们很好地照顾着。当主语中有with或without时, 谓语动词依然与with或without前的主语保持一致。



(1)表示金钱、时间、价格或度量衡的复合名词作主语时, 通常把这些名词看作一个整体, 谓语用单数形式。

Ten years is a long time.

(2)family, class, group, team和crowd等集体名词作主语时, 如果表示整体概念, 谓语动词用单数形式:如果表示集体中的成员, 谓语动词用复数形式。

My class is very good. 我们班非常好。

My family all like playing basketball. 我们全家人都喜欢打篮球。


“the+形容词”作主语时如果指一类人, 谓语动词用复数形式。

The old in our town are taken good care of.


①For us, two months_____a long holiday.


【解析】选A。考查主谓一致。数词作主语, 谓语动词用单数。

②of our classmates_____good at basketball.

A. Three quarters;is

B. Three fourth;is

C. Three quarters;are

【解析】选C。考查分数的表达法及主谓一致。分数的表达:分子用基数词, 分母用序数词;当分子大于1时, 分母用复数。分数修饰可数名词复数, 谓语动词用复数。


1.There be句型

2.either. . . or

3. neither. . . nor

4.not only. . . but also. . .

Neither Tom nor I am from Japan. 汤姆和我都不是来自日本。


①Neither my sister nor I been to South Korea before.

A. have everB. have neverC. has ever

【解析】选A。考查主谓一致。句意:以前我姐姐没有去过韩国, 我也没去过韩国。neither. . . nor遵循就近一致原则。

②Not only my friends but also I_____interested in music and TFBOYS are our favorite stars.

A. beB. amC. is

【解析】选B。考查主谓一致。not only. . . but also. . . 意为不但……而且……, 遵循就近一致原则, 就近的主语为I, 故谓语动词用am





