英语中考复习攻略 初三(上册) 柳州市铁五中学教育集团英语组 黎玉娇 张文晶

柳州晚报 2018-04-18 10:59 大字


1.get out of 从…出来

get on 上车,用于bus, train, ship, plane等大型交通工具。get on反义词为get off。get out of 下车,用于car, taxi等小型交通工具。get out of 反义词为get into。

例: We got out of the taxi at Yan’an Road and came back home.

2.as soon as 一…就

(1)as soon as 引导时间状语从句,当主句为一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。

I’ll go to see you as soon as the class is over.

(2)as soon as 连接的句中,若是紧接着发生的两个短动作,主从句都用一般过去时。

I recognized him as soon as I saw his back.

(3)as soon as possible = as soon as one can/ could 意为“尽可能快地”

3. take care of 照顾

take care of = look after 照顾, take good care of= look after…well 照顾好

take care= be careful=look out小心;注意

4. die of, die from 与die for

die of一般用于由于疾病、情感、衰老等内因引起的死亡。die from一般用于由于意外等外部原因引起的死亡。die from意为“为…而死”。

Many people die from the earthquake. The old woman died of illness yesterday.

5. in trouble 遇上麻烦;处于困境

trouble 常见搭配有be in trouble处于困境中;get into trouble陷入困境;have trouble in doing sth. 做某事有麻烦/困难,同义短语have difficulty in doing sth. 固定句式:What’s your trouble?/ What’s the trouble with you? 你怎么了?

6. lend, borrow 与keep

lend意为“借出”,借给某人某物时用lend sb. sth. 或lend sth. to sb.;borrow意为“借入”, 向某人借某物时,用borrow sth. from sb. keep是延续性动词,通常表示“借某物多长时间”,与一段时间连用。如:I have kept the book for a week.




1.表示经常性或习惯性动作或存在的状态。I often take a walk after dinner.

2.表示客观事实或普遍真理。The earth travels around the moon.

时间标志词:often, always, usually, sometimes, every day


1.表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。I got up at six yesterday.

2.表示过去的习惯或经常发生的动作。When I was in the countryside, I often swam in the river.

时间标志词:yesterday, last week, just now, in the past, two years ago


1.表示此时此刻正在进行的动作。They are reading English books now.

2.表示现阶段正在进行的动作或持续的状态。We are studying hard this term.

时间标志词:look, listen, now, these days


1.表示过去某一时刻或过去一段时间内正在进行的动作。I was watching TV at that time.

2.表示过去频繁发生的习惯性动作(带有一定的感情色彩)。Sam was always changing her mind.

时间标志词:at that time, then, at nine yesterday, this time yesterday


表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态。He will leave in a few days.

时间标志词:tomorrow, next year, in three weeks



I have already watched the TV play.

2.表示动作或状态在过去已经开始,持续到现在,也许还要持续下去。I have lived here since 2000.

时间标志词:just, already, yet, since



when表示“当……的时候” When I came back home, my mother was cooking.

while引导的时间状语从句表示 “当……时”或“……的同时”

While the teacher was singing, the children were dancing.

as soon as表示“一……就……”,强调动作紧密相连

As soon as my father arrived home, he cooked for the family.

before 表示“在……之前”We should wash our hands before we have dinner.

after表示“在……之后”After he knew the news, he jumped happily.

until “直到……”We waited until he came.

since “自从……”We have known each other since he came to Liuzhou.


because “因为”Linda caught a cold because she went swimming on a cold day.

since “因为;既然” Since everyone is here,

let’s start.


so that “以致于”Mulan dressed like a man so that she could join the army.


so “所以”so 与because不能同时使用He worked too hard, so he fell ill again.

so…that… “如此……以致于……”I was so careless that I made many mistakes.


although “尽管……,(但是)……”although 与but不能同时使用

Although Kevin is alone, he is very happy at first.

though“尽管……,(但是)……”一般情况下,可以与由although引导的让步状语从句互换使用。在口语中,though较为常用He went on fighting, though he was wounded.


if “如果……,就……”if引导的从句可以放主句前,也可以放主句后。

If you have any trouble, ask your parents for help. =Ask your parents for help if you have any trouble.



We will stay at home if it rains tomorrow.如果明天下雨,我将要呆在家。


If you finish your homework, you can go home now. 如果你做完了作业,你现在可以回家了。

(3 )主句为祈使句,if从句用一般现在时(即主祈从现)

If you want to go, please tell me.


If I were you, I wouldn’t say it like that.


(1)No+动名词No smoking.(2)No+名词No photos.(3)祈使句Don’t touch.



The policeman found the girl last week. (主动语态)

The girl was found by the policeman last week. (被动语态)



1.连系动词look, smell, taste, sound, feel, be, become等以主动形式表示被动的含义

2.不及物动词和不及物动词短语如come, go, arrive, belong to, happen, take place ,die等不用被动语态

3.主动形式表被动意义的词不用被动语态,如:write, read, sell, clean, wash常和副词well或easily连用。

(四)定语从句在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词,定语从句一般放在先行词的后面。引导定语从句的关系词包括关系代词和关系副词,常见的关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose, 关系副词包括where, when, why等。





▲指物时,下列情况下只能用that ,不用which。

(1)先行词为不定代词,如: all、much、anything、everything、nothing、something、none、the one等。

We are willing to do anything that is

good to the people.

(2)先行词是序数词或被序数词修饰时。 The first book that I read last night was an

English novel.


This is one of the most interesting films that

I have ever seen.


There are sheep and men that can be seen

on the hill.

(5)如果先行词被the only、the very、the last、the same、any、 few 、little、no、 all 、one of、 just修饰时。 This is the only book that

can be lent to you.

▲ 指物时,下列情况下只能用which,不宜用that。(1)关系代词放在介词之后This is the factory in which we once worked. (2)非限制性定语从句中This is the book,

which is written by Lu Xun. (3)that,those作主语时 Those which are on

the desk are English books.

▲ 当先行词在定语从句中作主语时,应注意先行词与定语从句中的谓语保持单复数及时态、语态的一致性。This is the boy who often comes to the library.

▲ 先行词在定语从句中充当宾语可省略。但先行词指物,用“介词+which”, 指人则用“介词+whom”, 且两个关系代词均不能省略。

That’s the book (which) we love forever.

We will remember the school in which we studied for three years.



(2015 南宁) 1.()Look! Some visitors______for the bus over there.

A.are waiting B.is waiting C.waiting

(2015 柳州) 2.()-I_____know you can play the piano so well. -Thank you.

A. didn’t B.don’tC.can’t

(2015 桂林) 3.()Hurry up, Betty! Your father_____for you outside.

A.waitB.waitedC.is waiting

(2015 防城港) 4.()-Were you at home at 9:30 last night?

-Yes, I_______Running Man at that time. It’s my favorite TV show.

A.watch B. was watching C.am watching

(2015 贵港) 5.()-What a nice car! Is it yours? -Yes! I_____it for three months.

A.buy B. bought C. have had

(2015 贵港) 6.()-Why didn’t you pick up my phone yesterday evening?

-Oh, I______in the kitchen at that time.

A.am cooking B.cooks C.was cooking

(2015防城港) 7.()-Who’s the little girl in the photo? -It’s me. The photo____10 years ago. A.took B. is taken C. was taken

(2015贵港) 8.()-Chinese tea is popular around the world.

-I agree. It_____to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries.

A.brings B.brought C. was brought

(2015桂林) 9.()If you don’t finish your homework on time, you______by your parents.

A. will punish B.are punished

C.will be punished

(2015钦州) 10.( )The Chinese Characters Dictation Contest(汉字听写大赛)____in our school next month.

A.will hold B.will be held C.is held

(2015百色) 11.()-What does the sign on the right tell us?

-Oh, it tells us that we ______to stop our car here.

A. don’t allow B.aren’t allowed C.didn’t allow (2016玉林) 12. ( ) ---How long you Little Women? ---I am due to return it in two weeks.

A. have; borrowed B. will; lend C. will; keep

(2016玉林) 13.( )--- you ever Han Hong sing live?

---Of course. A couple of times in different cities.

A. Have; seen B. Did; see C. Do; see

14.()How time flies! Three years_______since I became a middle school student.

A.will pass B.have passed C. has passed

15. ( ) Jay Chou is a popular singer and his CDs_____well.

A.sell B. are sold C.sells

16.( ) Going to the movies is good, ______I really only like listening to music.

A. and B. but C. so

17. ( ) It’s rather windy today. Put on some warm clothes,______you’ll catch a cold.

A.and B. but C. or

18.()_______your article carefully, some mistakes can be avoided.

A. Check B. If you check C. Checking

19.()A friend is a person_____you know very well and like very much.

A.who B.which C.whose

20.()Do you still remember the wonderful days in the countryside______we spent together?

A.which B.where C.when



the missing girl, the news, put up , was, on the website, last week, of,(.)

2. 我有一些他发给我的有关旅游的信息。some information , which ,I ,have ,about ,travel ,he ,me ,sent ,to,(.)

3.琳达刚才借给我一本有用的字典。dictionary ,Linda , me , lent , a , just now, useful , (.)


Chopsticks, the children, into , the habit, with , have got, of, dinner, having, (.)

5.各个年龄段的人都喜欢看《我是歌手》all ages, to, I’m a singer ,people ,watch ,of, like, (.)


一、1-5AACBC 6-10CCCCB 11-15BCACC 16-20BCBAB


1. The news of the missing girl was put up on the website last week.

2. I have some information about travel which he sent to me.

3. Linda lent me a useful dictionary just now.

4.The children have got into the habit of having dinner with chopsticks.

5. People of all ages like to watch I’m a singer.








