英语中考复习攻略 初一(上册)

柳州晚报 2018-03-22 12:16 大字

柳州市铁五中学教育集团英语组韦黎 农黎


1. 提建议句型及答语

(1)What about sth/ doing sth?

(2) Why not/ why don’t you do sth?

(3) Let’s do sth.

(4) How about/ what about doing sth?

(5) Shall we do sth?

(6)You had better do sth

(7) It’s a good idea to do sth.

(8)Would you like…?

答语:肯定回答: OK! / All right!/ Good idea!

否答: Sorry, I’m afraid not.

2. There be 句型

(1)There be: 某地有某物,主语是某物,强调存在关系。Have got指某人有某物,主语常为人,

have got 在口语中可用have代替。例如:There is an apple on the table. I have got an apple.


例如:There are many students in the classroom. There is some water here.

There is a pen, two books and many pencils on the desk.

(3)There be 句型的一般疑问句和反义疑问句仍要用be (not) there.

例如:There aren’t any people here, are there?

3 询问职业的句型: (1) What’s sb’s job?

(2) What does/ do sb do? (3) What are / is sb?

表达从事某种职业: sb be +表示职业的名词; 想要从事…职业: want to be…

例如:What does your father do? He is a doctor. I want to be a doctor like him.

4. everyone与 every one, anyone, someone

everyone人人,每人(指人,后不接of 短语)。 单独做主语,宾语,作主谓单。 Everyone is here now.

every one 可指人或物,后可接of 短语,相当于each of.

Everyone can eat every one of the orange on the bowl.

someone:某人,用于肯定句, anyone任何人,用于否定,疑问,肯定句和条件句。

5. be good for 与be good at

be good for 对…有益 反义词: be bad for; be good at 擅长于= do well in

6. in front of与in the front of : in front of 在…(外部)前面; in the front of 在…(内部)前面;

7. too much与much too, too many

too much 太多…,修饰不可数名词或动词,也可以相当于代词

例如:too much water 太多水, you eat too much 你吃得太多。

much too, 太,实在, 修饰形容词或副词。 It’s much too hot.

too many, 太多…修饰可名复。There are too many people.

8. some 与any

some (1) some用于肯定句,表示一些。如:I have some apples.

(2) 用于表示建议、请求的句子,或期望得到肯定回答的疑问句。如:Would you like some apples?

any (1) any 用于否定句,疑问句和条件状语从句。

(2) 用于肯定句表示任何一个 。如:You can take any book you like.




1. 可数名词单数变复数变化规则:

(1)一般在词尾+s, 如desk, book

(2)以s, x, sh, ch结尾的+ es, 如 bus, box, brush, watch

(3)以辅音字母+y结尾的, 把y变为i+es,如baby

(4)以元音字母+y结尾, 变成复数+s,如play, monkey, boy

(5)以f或fe结尾的名词,单数变复数,把f, fe变为ve再加s如wolf, wife

(6) 名词单数变复数不规则变化:

man-men, woman-women, tooth-teeth, foot-feet, child-children,

sheep, Chinese, Japanese单复数同形。

2. 当man, woman修饰复数名词, 将两个词都变为复数。例如:两名女老师two women teachers

如果是其他名词+名词变复数时,只需要把后面的名词变复数,如:两名男学生 two boy students

3. 以o 结尾的词,复数多+s.如photo-photos,但是,以o结尾复数+es的词有tomato, potato, hero

4. 由man构成的表示国人复数变化:Englishman—Englishmen, Frenchman-Frenchmen, German—Germans, Roman--Romans

5. 一般情况,名词修饰名词时,第一个名词用单数,如:一家鞋厂a shoe factory

但sport,clothes修饰名词时,sport, clothes都要用复数形式。

如:运动鞋sports shoes 一场运动会 a sports meeting 一家服装店 a clothes shop

6. 只有复数形式的单词有:裤子pants,眼镜glasses,衣服clothes,人们people,牛仔裤jeans, 他们作主语时,谓动用复数,但当他们前面有a pair of 等修饰时表示单数概念,谓动用单数。如:

The clothes feel very comfortable. The people in that country are very friendly.

This pair of jeans looks cool.

7. 由数词+连字符+名词或数词+连字符+形容词构成的合成形容词作定语时,该名词用单数形式。

如:一个8岁的女孩 an 8-year-old girl

8. 一些特殊可数名词:family, class, team.他们以单数形式出现,但可以表示复数概念。强调整体时,为单数,强调个体成员时, 为复数。如:My family is a big one. My family are watching a football game.

(二) 不可数名词

一般情况下,不可数名词没有复数,但如想要表示数量,可用单位词表示, 如piece, bit, bottle , cup, glass, 如:一条建议 a piece of advice,一点面包 a bit of bread

(三) 名词所有格

1. 单数名词一般在词尾+’s;如:那个女孩的妈妈 that girl’s mum

2. 不以s结尾的复数名词+s, 如:老师们的办公室 teachers’ office

3. 表示两个人共有,在最后名词后+’s, 表示分别拥有,两个名词后分别+’s

如:Lily 和Lucy 的房间Lily and lucy’s room (两人共一间房间),

Lily’s and Lucy’s rooms (两人分别有一间房)

4. 表示时间, 地点,距离,国家,价格,城市等无生命的食物名词,可在词尾+s构成所有格,

如:两小时的休息 two hours’ rest

5. of 所有格一般用于无生命的东西。如:一张世界地图 a map of the world

(四) 双重所有格

我的一个好朋友 a friend of mine ; 我爸爸的一个朋友 a friend of my father’s


1. 表示店铺,医院诊所,常在表示职业的名词或姓氏后+’s表示场所,

如:at the doctor’s 在诊所, a barber’s, 理发店

2. 有些特殊名词,表示时间,金钱,距离,重量等作主语,谓语动词用的单数。

3. 有些词只作复数:police, people.不能说a police, 要说a policeman, a person.


(一) 一般现在时

(二) 现在进行时



1.(2016 柳州中考) I often ________ books in the evening.

A. readsB. readC. reading

2.(2017 天津中考) The earth is a planet and it ________ around the sun.

A. goesB. goC. will go

3.(2017 株洲中考) Be quiet! A bird ________ something on the window.

A. ateB. eats C. is eating

4. (2016 南京中考) ---Hi, Nora. Is your mother at home?

---Just a minute! She ________ flowers in the garden.

A. plant B. is planting C. planted

5. (2017 柳州中考) There is a ________ in our zoo.

A. pigs B. pandaC. dogs

6. (2016 柳州中考) Help yourself to some ________,Jim.

A. potato B. fishC. egg

7. (2016 柳州中考) Paul is a friend of ________.

A. my brother B. my brothers

C. my brother’s

8. (2017 滨州中考) ---What a good ________ you’ve given me! Thanks a lot.

A. information B. suggestion

C. advice

9. (2016 江西中考) The ________ often eat grass on the hill.

A. horse B. cow C. sheep

10. (2016 铜仁中考) —What would you like to eat? —Some ________, please.

A. bread B. cake C. coffee

11. ---Would you like some apples? ---________.

A. Yes, please.B. Yes, I’d love to.

C. Yes, I do.

12. There are not any people in the park right now, ________?

A. is there B. aren’t there C. are there

13. ——What’s your mum? _________.

A. She is working. B. She is fine.

C. She is a nurse.

14. ________ of the student can answer this question.

A. Everyone. B. Every one C. Anyone.

15. Don’t eat ___________, or you will be fatter.

A. much too B. too much C. too many

16. I sit _________ the classroom in order to see the blackboard clearly.

A. in front B. in the front of

C.in front of

17. Lily likes sports very much and she _________ tennis.

A. is good forB. be good at

C. does well in

18. If you have__________ question, you can ask your teacher for help.

A. someB. anyC. lots of

19. Mum told me that the sun__________ bigger than the moon.

A. wasB. isC. are

20. Ten thousand dollars ___________ a lot of money.

A. amB. isC. are


1. you, junk food, much, had better, eat, not, too (.) 你最好不要吃太多垃圾食品。


2. by bike, do, go to school, always, you (?) 你总是骑单车上学吗?


3. Tim’s father, what, do, does (?) 提姆的爸爸从事什么工作?


4. of, cool, this, pair , shoes, looks (.) 这双鞋子看起来很酷。


5. on the desk, pens, there, is, book, a, two, and (.) 桌面上有两支笔,一本书。


6. it, is, day, to, remember, a good idea, eight words, a (.) 每天记8个单词是个好主意。



一、1-5 BACBB 6-10 BCBCA 11-15 ACCBB 16-20 BCBBB

二、1. You had better not eat too much junk food.

2. Do you always go to school by bike?

3. What does Tim’s father do?

4. This pair of shoes looks cool.

5. There is a book and two pens on the desk.

6. It’s a good idea to remember eight words a day.


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