
南宁晚报 2018-10-14 07:21 大字

9月26日上午,2018年“中国天然氧吧”创建活动发布会在北京举行,金秀瑶族自治县被中国气象服务协会授予“中国天然氧吧”称号,成为广西首个获得“中国天然氧吧”称号的县份。“In the morning of September 26th, the establishing event conference of the Natural Oxygen Zone of China was held in Beijing. Jinxiu Yao Autonomous County was awarded the title of the Natural Oxygen Zone of China by China Meteorological Service Association. Jinxiu county is the first one in Guangxi to win this title.”。

“中国天然氧吧”(Natural Oxygen Zone of China)创建活动获评的地区需符合“年人居环境气候舒适度达‘舒适\’的月份不少于3个月、年负氧离子平均浓度不低于1000个/立方厘米、年均AQI指数不大于100、旅游设施齐全、服务管理规范”等基本条件。

金秀瑶族自治县的森林覆盖率高达86.87%,稳居广西首位,长年气候温暖湿润。“The percentage of the forest cover in Jinxiu county is 86.87%, ranking first in Guangxi. The climate here is warm and humid all the year round.”。2017年全年“舒适”月份长达7个月,全年空气质量均达优良以上。

金秀是广西最大、最重要的水源林区,林区内有大量的动植物,是仅次于西双版纳的全国第二大物种基因库,被专家誉为“万宝山”及“碳库、水库、氧库、物种基因库”。“Jinxiu county is the largest and the most important forest district of water source in Guangxi. There are a lot of animals and plants in this forest district. It is the second largest species gene pool in China after Xishuangbanna. It is known as the precious deposits, carbon stock, reservoir, oxygen zone and gene pool by experts.”。



金秀瑶族自治县生活着瑶、壮、苗、侗等少数民族同胞,茶山瑶是瑶族3个支系之一,没有本民族的文字,只有口头语言。“People of ethnic minorities, such as the Yao, Zhuang, Miao and Dong nationalities, live in Jinxiu county together. Chashan Yao is one of the three branches of the Yao nationality. It has no national written words, only oral language.”。茶山瑶婚俗非常特别,接亲时,男方派房族兄弟数人,在半夜点火去迎接新娘,在女方吃过“领情饭”后,才将新娘接走。接亲时间正值午夜,来时静悄悄,走时也静悄悄。等到旭日东升时,新娘新郎扛着锄头下地劳作,以此宣告两人已是夫妻。

本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译


金秀获评“中国天然氧吧” 成为广西首个获得该称号的县份



