
南宁晚报 2018-04-01 09:43 大字

3月25日,中国国土经济学会(China Society Territorial Economists)在北京发布“2018百佳深呼吸小城入围名单”(the shortlist of the top-100 deep breathing city),其中,广西巴马、东兴、大新、龙州等9座小城入围。“深呼吸小城”作为“绿水青山”转化为“金山银山”的纽带和桥梁,已成为绿色发展的象征,各地推广旅游和特产的响亮名片。“The deep breathing city is a bridge connecting the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. It has become a symbol of green development and a brilliant card for promoting tourism and special products everywhere.”。

成为候选小城,必须符合6个条件:“五高一低”。党委和政府对“深呼吸小城”品牌重视程度高(high degree of attention from the government),森林、绿地、湿地等综合植被覆盖率高(high comprehensive vegetation coverage rate),空气质量平均优良天数比例高(high proportion of excellent air quality),户外活动区域负氧离子含量高(high content of negative oxygen ion outdoors),主要景观区舒适度、美感度高(high degree of the main scenery comfort and beauty),全境范围灰霾灾害天气影响较低(low effect of fog and haze weather)。

今天,我们先来了解一下龙州。先来说说生态环境,龙州森林面积70.35万亩,灌林木面积122.88万亩,森林覆盖率达57.3%。“Today, let's get to know Longzhou first. Let's start with the ecological environment. The area of Longzhou forest is about 469 square kilometers and the shrub forest area is about 819 square kilometers. The forest coverage rate is up to 57.3%.”。境内的弄岗国家级自然保护区总面积15163亩,保护区内有植物1282种之多。

说到蚬木,大家首先想到的应是厨房里的砧板(chopping board),这种热带石灰岩特有植物制作的蚬木砧板闻名全国,游客返程时,不带上一块蚬木砧板,就好像没来过一样。在弄岗保护区陇呼片实验区,有一棵树龄为2000多年的蚬木王,胸径2.99米,树高48.5米,单株材积106.7立方米。“There is a tree with a tree-age of more than 2000 years in Guangxi Nonggang National Nature Reserve. The diameter of the tree is 2.99 meters and it is 48.5 meters high. The individual volume of wood is 106.7 cubic meters.”。

除了蚬木王,中国鸟类学家在弄岗保护区还发现鸟类新品种。“In addition, Chinese bird scientists also found a new species of birds in Nonggang Reserve.”。该新品种于2008年被确认并被命名为弄岗穗鹛,属于画眉科穗鹛属,体长约为18厘米,全身大部深褐色,喉部黑色斑点和脸颊新月形白斑是其主要鉴别特征。据称,弄岗穗鹛种群数量仅为100多对。

有专家统计,第二次世界大战以来,全世界大约每年发现1个鸟类新品种。“According to the expert statistics, since the Second World War, about one new species of birds is found every year around the world.”。在广西弄岗地区的喀斯特季节性雨林发现弄岗穗鹛,是中国甚至整个东南亚第一次有记录的鸟类新品种。

“壮族三月三”假期,不妨到龙州弄岗保护区走走,或许会看到新鸟类弄岗穗鹛。本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译


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