
南宁晚报 2018-11-18 06:44 大字

近日,广西又有3个景区被确定为国家4A级景区。其中,桂林资江的天门山景区和灯谷景区榜上有名。“Recently, there are three scenic spots in Guangxi have been confirmed as the national 4A level scenic spots. Among them, Tianmenshan and Denggu scenic spots of Guilin are on the list.”。


景区突出自然与文化景观两大主题,有38岩、19涧、8石、6泉、2潭等。“Tianmenshan scenic spot has two main themes, the natural landscape and the cultural landscape. It contains thirty-eight rocks, nineteen creeks, eight stones, six springs and two pools.”。百药谷生长着360多种野生中草药,有乔木、灌木、藤木和草本植物,如七叶绞股蓝、天南星、八角枫、青蒿、青鱼胆、半夏、一点血、黄连等,有古代药皇医圣扁鹊、孙思邈、华佗、李时珍、张仲景等雕像,并建有神龙山庄、茶楼书苑、回廊曲榭、亭台楼阁等。“There are more than 360 kinds of wild herbs growing in Baiyao Valley. Many statues of ancient famous doctors are built there. In addition, there are mountain villa, tea houses, academy, winding corridors, pavilions and sculptures in the scenic area.”。

资江灯谷景区是一个集河灯文化、民俗文化、山水文化于一体的河灯文化主题旅游景区。“Denggu scenic spot of Zi River is a theme tourism scenery of water lantern culture combined with folk culture, landscape culture and water lantern culture.”。资江的河灯有历史,清朝时期,资源水路运输业繁荣,但常常发生舟覆人亡的事故。为祭奠亡者,每逢七月半,当地群众会自发地进行祭祀,以漂放河灯的形式寄托哀思,祈祷平安。“The water lantern culture of Zi River has a long history. During the Qing dynasty, the waterway transportation trade of Ziyuan was prosperous and shipwreck accidents also happened frequently. In order to memory the dead, the local people would carry out the sacrificial activities voluntarily in the mid of the seventh lunar month. They put the lanterns on the water to express their grief and pray for peace.”。


本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译





