
南宁晚报 2019-02-24 07:01 大字


海菜花(ottelia acuminata)并非生长在海里,她的名字来自云贵高原。自古以来,那儿的人们把湖泊称为“海”。其分布于云南、贵州、广西和海南部分地区海拔2700米以下的湖泊、池塘、沟渠和深水田中。“Hai Cai Flower(ottelia acuminata) does not grow in the sea. (Hai means sea in Chinese.) Its name originates from Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. Since ancient times, the local people have called lakes 'sea'. Hai Cai Flower is distributed in lakes, ponds, ditches and deep paddy fields which are below 2,700 meters above sea level in Yuannan, Guizhou, Guangxi and Hainan provinces.”。平静的河面上,一朵朵玉白的花朵在阳光下绽放,随着河水摇曳。在桂林市永福县百寿镇乌石屯,水质清澈透底的百寿河一年四季都可看到这样的美景。

这种生长在河里的花叫海菜花,是一种沉水植物。它扎根水底,叶子如海带漂荡,花序梗则像一条纤细柔软的绳索。花盛开时浮于水面,雌花受粉后沉入水中。海菜花花期一般是5至10月份,但在温暖地区,一年四季都可见其开花,春夏两季是旺季。花开时,一朵朵小花散落在清澈的水面上,远看河流就像一条会开花的河,美得像仙境。“The flower season of Hai Cai Flower is usually from May to October. However, the blooming flowers can be seen all year round in the warm areas. Spring and summer are the peak periods. When flowers bloom, the small flowers scatter on the clear river. When you see the river from afar, it is like a flower blooming river, as beautiful as fairyland.”。

海菜花是中国独有的珍稀濒危水生药用植物,对环境的要求颇高,必须在无污染的流水中生长。“Hai Cai Flower is a unique, rare and endangered aquatic medicinal plant in China. It needs a high requirement for living environment and it must grow in the non-pollution running water.”。水清则花盛,水污则花败,被誉为“水质的试金石”“环保花”,是国家重点三级保护野生植物。

海菜花不但可以观赏,还可以食用。它富含多种微量元素、维生素和碳水化合物,是一种低热量、无脂肪的野生绿色食品。云南当地居民很喜欢这一烹饪材料。“Hai Cai Flower is edible. It is rich in a variety of trace elements, vitamins and carbohydrates. It is also a low-calorie, fat-free wild green food. As a cooking material, the local residents in Yunnan province love it very much.”。去过云南大理、丽江等地旅游的朋友或许吃过一道叫“水性杨花”的菜,其实就是海菜花。

除了百寿河,广西还有几个地方可欣赏海菜花。如河池市都安瑶族自治县的澄江、靖西市靖西龙潭国家湿地公园等。“In addition to Baishou River, there are several places in Guangxi for enjoying Hai Cai Flower, such as the Chengjiang River of Hechi city and the Jingxi Longtan National Wetland Park of Baise city.”。


本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译


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