
南宁晚报 2019-04-28 06:43 大字

近日,广西自驾游主题线路评选活动发布了6条广西最佳自驾游主题线路。包括最佳山水自驾游线路,最美车窗风景线路,最佳养生自驾游线路,最佳风情自驾游线路,最佳乡村自驾游扶贫线路,最佳红色自驾游线路“六大主题线路”。还有3天就到“五一”假期了,你会选择哪一条线路出游?”“There are three days left for the May Day holiday. Which route would you like to choose to travel?”。


壮美桂林山川,无法拒绝的自驾诱惑。闻名天下的桂林山水和阳朔风景成为广西自驾必游的经典景区,加上龙胜龙脊梯田与八角寨、猫儿山等鬼斧神工的完美搭配,这条山水线路既有经典又有亮点。“The magnificent landscapes of mountains and rivers in Guilin are the temptation of self-driving that you can't refuse. The world-famous Guilin and Yangshuo landscape are definitely the classic scenic spots for self-driving tour in Guangxi. With the perfect combination of Longji Terrace, Baijiaozhai, the octagonal mountain village, and Maoershan Mountain, this route has both classic and outstanding spots.”。


八角寨又名云台山,位于广西资源县梅溪镇大坨村和湖南新宁县崀山镇崀山景区交界处。主峰海拔818米,因主峰有8个翘角而得名。“Bajiaozhai, also known as Yuntai Mountain, is located at the junction of Datuo village in Guangxi and Langshan Mountain Scenic Spot in Hunan province. The main peak is 818 meters above the sea level and it is named for its eight warped angles on the main peak.”。八角寨保护区内有6700万年白垩纪红色砂砾岩,其在地表流水沿垂直节理侵蚀下,形成国内少见的典型丹霞地貌景观,被专家誉为“中国最美的七大丹霞”之一。登上主峰俯视,数十个落差在60~80米之间的山包,如田螺一般排成一片,让你感叹其壮观之时,忍不住想要“嘿撩撩啰”。

中学课文《老山界》中提到的猫儿山,那是红军长征途中翻越的第一座高山。猫儿山位于资源县中峰乡与兴安县华江瑶族乡交界处,因顶峰一花岗岩巨石形似蹲伏的猫头而得名,主峰海拔2141.5米。“Maoershan Mountain, mentioned in an article from my Chinese textbook of the middle school, was the first high mountain that the Red Army crossed over during the long march. It is located at the border of Ziyuan county and Xingan county. There is a huge granite rock at its peak, which looks like a crouching cat. Therefore, it got its name and the main peak is 2141.5 meters above the sea level.”。猫儿山为高山风景地,有112种珍稀动物、1436种野生植物。其中,杜鹃花有36种,著名的铁杉树是冰河时期孑遗下来的珍贵树种,与水杉、银杏一道被称为植物王国的“活化石”。据说,“五一”假期,正是猫儿山欣赏杜鹃花的好时节。

本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译





