
南宁晚报 2019-01-06 09:08 大字


阳朔县福利镇唐宋时称黄道街,后逐步往漓江边迁移。1200多年前的唐代显庆年间,这里已有人居住,因原地荔枝成林,村舍隐伏其间,遂起名伏荔村。“Fuli Town was named Huangdao Street in the Tang and Song dynasties, and then gradually moved to the Lijiang River. More than 1200 years ago, there were people living here. Because it had many litchi trees around the houses, so it was called Fuli Village. (Li means litchi in Chinese.)”。清道光年间,改称伏荔圩,1926年取其谐音,改称福利圩。

福利镇历史悠久,有三街、九井、十八巷、三宫、两寺、一宝塔。可惜,因天灾人祸或年久失修而毁,这些古建筑留下的不多。当年,电影《刘三姐》的大部分外景就是在福利镇拍摄的。“Fuli Town has a long history. It contains three streets, nine wells, eighteen lanes, three palaces, two temples and one pagoda. Unfortunately, because of the natural and man-made disasters or disrepair destruction, these ancient buildings left little. Most of the scenes of the movie Liu Sanjie were shot in Fuli Town in those days.”。


琴棋书画是历代文人雅士修身所必备的技能,古称“文人四友”。 画扇制作是福利镇的文化传统,在这座被文化部授予“中国画扇第一镇”的古镇上,很多家庭从老人到小孩都会画画,他们最偏爱、最擅长的题材是漓江各种美景。上世纪90年代初,福利画扇迅猛发展,年产150多万把。“The cultural tradition of Fuli Town reflects on the production of painting fans. In this ancient town, which was awarded the top town of painting fans in China by the Ministry of Culture, many people, from the old to the young, can paint well. All kinds of beautiful scenery of Lijiang River are their favorite subject and they are good at it. In the early 1990s, Fuli painting fans developed rapidly with an annual output of more than 1.5 million fans.”。从裁纸到画扇、制扇、组装,完成一把扇子足有96道工序,可以说,每一把画扇都倾注了画师的情感和心血。

每年的农历五月初八是福利镇的民俗传统节日,据说流传至今已有两百多年历史。“The eighth day of May in the lunar calendar is a traditional folk festival in Fuli Town. It is said that the festival has a history of more than 200 years.”。每年五月初八这天,古镇上各家各户的亲朋好友就会从各地赶来一起热闹过节,在招待客人的菜谱中,茄子酿、辣椒酿、苦瓜酿三样菜是必备。


本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译


彰泰·阳朔十里春风 产品品鉴会暨认筹正式开启



