
南宁晚报 2018-12-02 07:01 大字



“By the river bank lush reeds grow, covered in dew white as snow; the beauty I want to know, is somewhere along the river flow.”。

这首出自《诗经》(The Book of Songs)的《蒹葭》(The Reed),说的就是芦苇。而桂林全州的天湖,就是一个观赏芦苇的好去处。“The Reed is an article of the Book of Songs. It is about reeds. Tianhu Lake in Guilin is a good place to enjoy the sight of reeds.”。


天湖片区有13座水库,站在山顶俯视,一座座水库犹如一面面明镜点缀在崇山峻岭间。天湖具有独特的高山气候,夏季清凉能避暑,冬季银装素裹可赏雪。“There are thirteen reservoirs in the area of Tianhu Lake scenic spot. Standing on the top of the mountain, the reservoirs are like bright mirrors among the mountains. Tianhu Lake has a unique alpine climate. It is cool in summer and the summer heat is avoided. In winter, we can enjoy the snow white views here.”。每年的11月至次年3月,气温极低时,天湖片区会出现岭南地域稀有的银装素裹风景。

海拔1680多米的天湖片区,由高山草地、原始森林和13个水库组成,方圆达3平方公里。当地人说,天湖有“二绝”:一绝是举世罕见的原始杜鹃林。每年5月,杜鹃花开,花朵最大的直径可达0.3米,鲜红、紫红、乳黄、雪白、天蓝,五颜六色的花朵尽态极妍,一簇簇,一树树,姹紫嫣红。二绝是太阳和月亮同时走进天湖的景观。观看的时间只有两个——临近暮色时分、临近早晨,且还得是晴天才行。“Tianhu Lake scenic spot, with an altitude of more than 1,680 meters and an area of 3 square kilometers, consists of high mountains, meadow, virgin forest and 13 reservoirs. The locals say that Tianhu Lake has two distinctive features. One is the rare universal original rhododendron forest, the other is that the sun and the moon appear in the landscape of Tianhu Lake at the same time.”。

天湖还有“二奇”:一奇是湖底文物景观。这一奇观因前几年水库干涸才发现,当地人称为“皇帝大殿”。“There are two wonders in Tianhu Lake as well. One is the cultural relics landscape at the bottom of the lake. This wonder was discovered a few years ago when the reservoir dried up, and peolple called it the Emperor's Palace.”。遗址内光洁如砥的石阶、石柱、石窠、石门槛等石料满地横卧,拨开表面泥土,成堆的瓦片呈现眼前。沿石阶往下有条石围砌的一口水井,迄今为止泉水长流。另外,大殿右侧山头上有古坟墓数座。二奇是“露珠泡茶”。“The second one is making tea with morning dew.”用清晨露珠冲泡天湖高山云雾茶叶,清醇可口。


本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译


全州县枧塘镇:推进产业融合发展 助力乡村振兴



