双语天地BilingualWorld 桂林博物馆:每个梅瓶都是一个故事

南宁晚报 2021-05-23 05:30 大字

今年“5·18”国际博物馆日,广西有6座博物馆分别获得了国家一级博物馆、国家二级博物馆、国家三级博物馆荣誉称号“。May18isthe International Museum Day. Six museumsin Guangxi have won the honorary titles ofNational First-class Museum, National Sec-ond-class Museum and National Third-classMuseum respectively.”。

刚刚晋升为国家一级博物馆的桂林博物馆,自1964年4月21日开始筹建,1988年11月落成开放,馆名由郭沫若先生题写。“Guilin Museum, which has just become a

national first-class museum, began to be built

on April 21, 1964 and opened in November

1988. Its name was inscribed by Mr. GuoMoruo.”。桂林博物馆新馆于2010年2月开建,2017年5月18日正式开馆,总建筑面积为3.4万平方米,共有9个展厅,现有馆藏文物3万余件,以桂林明代出土梅瓶、外宾礼品、明清书画珍品、桂林历史文物、广西少数民族文物等为馆藏特色。“ThenewGuilinMuseum was built in February 2010 and offi-

cially opened on May 18, 2017, with a total

construction area of 34,000 square meters,nine exhibition halls and more than 30,000cultural relics. The collection features of thismuseum include the Meiping(It is a kind ofblue and white phoenix wear pattern vase.)unearthed in the Ming Dynasty in Guilin,gifts for foreign guests, calligraphy and paint-ing treasures of the Ming and Qing dynasties,historical relics of Guilin and cultural relics ofethnic minorities in Guangxi.”。

唐诗宋词中有不少关于酒的诗篇,“晚来天欲雪,能饮一杯无。”“我今有美酒,来坐松下石。”“举杯邀明月,对影成三人。”……有酒,就少不了盛酒的器皿。梅瓶,作为一种具有储酒实用、陈设装饰及明器陪葬等多重用途的器物,始于唐代兴于宋代,在当时人们的生活中占有“一席之地”。“Meipingisanimplementwith multiple uses, such as wine storage, fur-nishing decoration and funeral objects. It ap-peared in the Tang Dynasty and was popularin the Song Dynasty. At that time, it had aplaceinpeople'slives.”。宋代时,其因体形细长而称作“经瓶”“。梅瓶”之称来自晚清,因瓶口小,仅能容一小枝梅花而得名。

桂林博物馆珍藏300多件梅瓶,其中250余件是以明代青花为主的瓷梅瓶,60余件为陶梅瓶,绝大部分出自明靖江王陵区。“Therearemorethan300Meipingvasesin Guilin Museum. Among them, more than250 are blue-and-white porcelain vases ofthe Ming Dynasty, and more than 60 arepottery vases. Most of these vases are fromJingjiang Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty.”。


桂林博物馆还有不少馆藏的书画作品,有徐悲鸿的水墨牛马图、明·文徵明山水折扇图和行草七言诗、明·陆治虫草花卉折扇面、明·李流芳水墨山水图轴等等,如果你是书画爱好者,到桂林旅游一定要去看看。 本报记者叶祯/文黄倩华/翻译


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