
南宁晚报 2018-12-09 03:46 大字

日前,广西印发实施方案,将在高铁沿线重点打造一批富有特色的高铁城镇、特色名镇。其中,灵川、宾阳、三江侗族自治县、恭城瑶族自治县等9个县市将被打造成“特色高铁城镇”。“Nine counties and cities, including Lingchuan, Binyang, Sanjiang, Gongcheng, will be built as the characteristic high speed railway towns.”。


桂林山水甲天下,灵川风景也不差。“East or west, Guilin scenery is the best. Lingchuan scenery is great as well.”。据悉,灵川目前已开发并逐渐开放的景点有青狮潭旅游度假区、龙岩景区、古东森林瀑群、大圩古镇、金山岩景区等。

桂林有座象鼻山,灵川有一座象山。“There is an Elephant Truck Hill in Guilin and also anther Elephant Truck Hill in Lingchuan.”。象山坐落于青狮潭水库以南6公里处,高50米、长200米,山体胖圆,大耳双垂,小眼半眯,长鼻垂地,形态栩栩如生。“The Elephant Truck Hill in Lingchuan is located in the south of Qingshitan Reservoir, about six kilometers away. The hill is 50 meters high and 200 meters long. The body of the hill is plump. The elephant's ears are down and eyes are half squint. The trunk drops to the ground. The whole shape is as natural as though it were living!”。相传,这座象山为“公象”,与桂林象鼻山是一对夫妻,只因母象被漓江吸引,故而两象分居两地。“It is said that the Lingchuan Elephant Truck Hill is a bull elephant and the one in Guilin is a cow elephant. They are a couple. They separated because she was attracted by the beautiful scenery of Lijiang River.”。

灵川的大圩古镇被誉为广西四大古镇之一。古镇沿江而建,一条2.3公里的石板路由1.5万块青石板镶成。“Daxu Ancient Town of Lingchuan county is known as one of the top four ancient towns in Guangxi. This town was built along the river. A 2.3-kilometer stone road was made of 15,000 dark grey slates.”。电影《刘三姐》的很多镜头在这里拍摄,镇上明代修建的万寿桥,正是电影中刘三姐与阿牛哥定情百年的地方。“Many scenes of the movie Liu Sanjie were taken in this town. Wanshou Bridge, built in the Ming dynasty, is the place where the hero and the heroine swore their forever love in the movie.”。


如果你喜欢山水风景、人文历史,不妨趁着自治区成立60周年大庆的小假期,乘坐高铁到这个特色小镇游一游、逛一逛。本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译


灵川县28个项目集中开竣工 项目总投资145.5亿元



