

南宁晚报 2017-11-26 07:26 大字


2014年12月3日,在住建部网站上公布的第三批中国传统村落名单中,广西桂林市恭城瑶族自治县恭城镇乐湾村,栗木镇常家村、大合村、石头村,莲花镇凤岩村、朗山村、高桂村,西岭乡费村、杨溪村,观音乡焦山村、水滨村,龙虎乡实乐村等12个村被列入“第三批中国传统村落名录”。“Twelve villages of Gongcheng County are on the list of the third batches of Chinese traditional villages.”。红岩、黄岭、矮寨等7个村屯被评为广西第一批“绿色村屯”,门等村是广西实施乡土特色建设的第一批示范村。“Seven villages were named as the first batch of Guangxi green villages. Mendeng Village is the first demonstration village of carrying out local characteristics construction in Guangxi.”。

始建于宋朝初年的栗木镇是一座千年文明古镇。“Limu Town, founded in the early years of Song dynasty, is a thousand year old civilization town.”。1991年5月, 文物专家在栗木镇陀塘村一处山茶林岭上发现一座古代墓葬,出土了11 件文物。“In May 1991, the historical relic experts discovered an ancient tomb in Tuotang Village of Limu Town. Eleven pieces of cultural relics have been unearthed.”。从这座墓葬的结构、随葬器物的形制和组合等方面看,西汉后期至东汉前期的时代特点比较明显。“According to the structure, the shape and the combination of the utensils, the tomb has the obvious characteristics of the period from the late Western Han dynasty to the early Eastern Han dynasty.”。

恭城的习武之风源远流长,历有“武术之乡”的美誉。“There is a long history and good atmosphere of practicing Wushu (martial art) in Gongcheng. It has the reputation of ‘hometown of martial arts’.”。栗木镇大合村人欧阳豹是当地的历史名人,生于清·嘉庆年、死于清·咸丰年的他,是清朝道光年间癸巳科会试第六名武进士。

“人字坡屋面,屋顶凤扳爪,砖挑檐门头,扇形屋檐口,方门圆窗顶,红墙白线条”是房屋的建筑特色,它所在的萍江流域范围古称“九甲”,故而村落的建筑也称“九甲”特色。整个村落新屋与旧房风格协调,道路利用废旧的瓷砖和石头铺砌而成,延续了传统工艺,也传承了传统文化。“The style of the new house and the old house in the whole village coordinates well. The road is paved with waste tiles and stones. It makes the traditional art go on and it inherits the traditional culture as well.”。

在农村烧水做饭,除了传统的柴火,还有一种城里没有的燃料:沼气。“People use woods to cook in the countryside. Beside this, there is another fuel that we don't use in the city. That is biogas.”。在黄岭村,自从1975年建成第一座沼气池后,经过40年的沼气革命,对沼气池进行了5次更新换代,如今享有“中国沼气第一村”之名,也是广西普及沼气能源示范村。“Huangling Village has the reputation of "the first village of biogas in China". It is the demonstration village of popularizing biogas energy in Guangxi.”。

本报记者 叶祯/文黄倩华/翻译





