提及秋天的美景,很多人想到的是满山红叶。然而,在桂林恭城,最美的却是美味的月柿和柿饼。“When we talk about the beauty of autumn, most of us will imagine that the red leaves are all over the mountains. However, the delicious fresh and dried persimmons are the most wonderful things in Gongcheng county of Guilin city.”。11月4日,第十四届桂林恭城月柿节暨第七届恭城油茶文化节在恭城县莲花镇红岩村拉开帷幕。节庆活动将持续至26日。
据了解,恭城种植月柿的历史已有400多年,是全国重要的月柿生产基地和销售集散地。“It is understood that Gongcheng county has a history of over 400 years of planting persimmons. It is an important national persimmon production base and distributing center.”。脆柿、冻柿、柿饼以及月柿果酒等系列产品畅销东南亚,其中,柿饼出口量占广西60%以上。“Some persimmon products sell well in Southeast Asia, such as fresh persimmons, frozen persimmons, dried persimmons and persimmon fruit wine. Among them, the dried persimmon export accounts for more than 60% of Guangxi.”。“恭城月柿”因此获得国家地理标志证明商标。
除了月柿,恭城还有一种美食很出名,那就是油茶。瑶族同胞有打油茶的习惯,而打油茶已形成独具特色的地方饮食文化。“In addition to persimmons, oil tea (or bean tea) is another famous local yum food in Gongcheng. People of Yao nationality have a habit of making oil tea. It has become an unique local food culture.”。2008年,“恭城油茶”列入广西非物质文化保护遗产名录。2010年10月,“恭城油茶”获得国家地理标志证明商标。
恭城人都说月柿和油茶是他们的“形象代言人”。到目前为止,恭城已举办了13届月柿节、6届油茶文化节。“People in Gongcheng say that the persimmon and oil tea are their image spokesman. Up to now, 13 persimmon festivals and 6 oil tea culture festivals have been held in Gongcheng.”。今年举办的月柿节、油茶文化节内容丰富,除了民族风情表演,还有恭城旅游特色文化产品创意创作大赛、“百岁老人”为恭城油茶代言,以及恭城油茶展演等一系列活动,喜欢摄影或自拍的读者,肯定会收获满满。“This year, the persimmon festival and oil tea festival are rich in content. It includes a series of activities, such as national customs performance, creative competition of tourism culture products, centenarians endorsement activity and oil tea performance.”。
“村村有奇俗,月月有节庆,家家打油茶。”这是当地形容节日之多的一句俗话。事实上,一年里不管哪个时节前往恭城,你都能感受到不同的节日气氛和民族风情,如桃花节、花炮节、盘王节、婆王节等传统节庆。节日里,好客的少数民族同胞会用自酿米酒和打油茶来待客。 本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译